TappedOut forum
Posted on Oct. 22, 2011, 4:20 p.m. by DarasuumKote28
If you're looking at this, thanks a bunch.
My problem is that I know the names of some famous/good deck types, but I don't quite understand what they do. Naturally, that means I don't know how to beat them.
Here's what I sorta understand:Kessig Wolf Run: Make a big flying infect creature. Swing for game.Mimic Vat/Birthing pod: Make a ton of tokens. Swing for game.Solar Flare: Make copies of Sun Titan. Swing for game.Invisiblade/Cawblade: Put a Sword of Peoplewhohavetoomuchmoney on an unblockable. Swing for game.
Aside from that, I have no idea how they play or what any other win cons they have are.
I'm probably forgetting some other big deck. Please let me know.
If it helps, my main deck is deck:emperors-arsenal- generic U/W control.
rckclimber777 says... #3
RDW is also still popular. Global wipes in general help there.
I run Pod and believe it or not one of the best ways to take out a pod deck is Jace, Memory Adept . If you can throw certain creatures into the graveyard the pod won't work and thus fail drastically. Also general artifact destruction helps as well. Play either quick aggro or all out control.
Solar flare is generally easy to beat with surgical extraction, nihil spellbomb and if you manage to throw out a grand abolisher then they're really screwed.
Finally there is kessig... Ghost quarter is helpful. Doom blade/dismember. If you're running control then definitely put in a decent amount of kill spells in the deck that can deal with the inkmoth/titan and others. Victim of Night is actually really good against this as well.
BU control is actually one of the top decks out there right now. Yes Kessig is probably generally going to be great and is the next valakut, but B/U control is still doing very well with dissipate/mana leak and all of the other kill spells.
October 22, 2011 7:34 p.m.
I think the best deck out there is Jeremy Neeman U/B Control I have a similar build and it does very well.
huginnson says... #2
Solar Flare: While their win condition typically is hitting with Sun Titan s, the deck revolves around filling their graveyard with things to throw at you and control the game long enough to swing with said Sun Titan s for the win. The way to break the deck would typically be to either take their graveyard away from them via Nihil Spellbomb or take the cards they want from their graveyard, such as titans, Phantasmal Image s, liliana the broken, and well, just about everything else in the deck (in that order) with something like Surgical Extraction .
Wolf Run decks are probably among the worst to play against because while their primary win condition is beating your face in with non-basic lands (hello, Ghost Quarter ) Valakut taught them that they need a back up, so they can also beat your face in with their Primeval Titan s if you feel like taking their lands away. Spellskite is probably among the best answers to this deck because you can redirect their pump to buy time while you look for something to win you the game.
U/W blade you pretty much tagged, they arent anywhere near what caw-blade was but they are really more of an aggro deck now so either use control or race them to win.
October 22, 2011 5:07 p.m.