Profile Titles
TappedOut forum
Posted on June 3, 2017, 10:18 p.m. by Duchys
Hello good people of the internet,
I have wondered if the titles on your profile (eg. Deckling) work. I've browsed some threads and found only threads from year 2013, where they were saying that profile titles don't work. So my question is:
Do the titles work.
When you get new title.
When you can make your custom title.
Thanks for answers
Servo_Token says... #3
You can customize your title when your TO rank is in the top 100. You get that up by being active on the site, posting on the forums, commenting on decks, stuff like that.
June 3, 2017 11:47 p.m.
emrakulinsmugglers says... #4
anytime you can change your title, which is
when you are in the top 100 rankings (I'm not entirely sure if this pertains to only the T/O Rank, or the Helper rank as well)
What I find to be most helpful in getting to a higher rank, is if you're suggesting a card for someone's deck, that you put a check next to the card name under 'Suggestions'. You can see this after you hit 'Preview your comment'. Then, if the other person finds your suggestion helpful, and accept it, you get more 'Good Card Suggestions'. That, at least in my case, has helped in increasing helper rank. As for the regular T/O Rank, just commenting regularly on forums, answering questions, being ACTIVE in general will increase your rank.
That, and also the fact that you need to be an upgraded user, which you obviously are ;) hope this helps!
June 4, 2017 2:01 a.m.
jparker-sartori21 says... #5
Pieguy396-My profile says that my tappedout rank is 96 but I don't see that extra box for editing rank title below MTGO username. Do I need to be an upgraded user as well?
June 4, 2017 6:57 a.m.
jparker-sartori21 says... #6
Sorry, didn't see the next post. Wish I could change it without upgrading :(
June 4, 2017 6:58 a.m.
Hi, thanks for the answers,
I guess it is time to farm the points.
June 4, 2017 8:12 a.m.
You should just upgrade anyway. It's $5. It took me about a year of being on TO to actually be able to afford something as frivolous as supporting a website. I'm soon going to be able to get enough of an income to support monthly. Basically if you're here enough to qualify for top 100, you should try to upgrade if you can.
Pieguy396 says... #2
Hi! I'm not completely sure about this, but I believe that you need to be in the top 100 users to change your title, i.e. if you look on your profile page and scroll down, on the right, you can see your "T/O rank"; I believe that needs to be less than 100. I'm not completely sure, though. For me, if I go into settings and scroll down, right under the large box for "profile text", and the smaller ones for "referred by" and "MTGO Username", there's a box that says "Rank title". That's where you can change your title. Mine is "Sorcerer Supreme" because Doctor Strange, but you can put anything there you'd like :)
If the above is true and you need to be in the top 100, I'd recommend going to the "First Cycle" tab on the homepage and leaving feedback on new users' decks. I always find it fun to see what new users find fun, and it's a great way to be more active on the site. Hope this helps!
June 3, 2017 11:47 p.m.