Rank 100 and the challenge.

TappedOut forum

Posted on Oct. 27, 2013, 1:40 a.m. by MrKnify

so here I am at rank 114. so close yet so far, It takes alot of work to get here, and I expect alot more work to make the 100 mark.

What was the hardest number you had to get off of?

Behgz says... #2

I hit the top hundred a while ago and I'm not very inclined to leave it either.

October 27, 2013 1:56 a.m.

iBryguy says... #3

I'm a bit confused actually as to how the ranks work.

October 27, 2013 2:02 a.m.

Deco_y says... #4

The more activity you have, the lower numerical your rank.

October 27, 2013 2:10 a.m.

Demarge says... #5

wait earning ranks was easy, at this time though I essentially have to hope the other 6 don't look on the site for a couple of weeks... apparently the system panics and knocks you down a few hundred if you do that.

October 27, 2013 2:10 a.m.

vampirelazarus says... #6

Every time I see one of these threads, I automatically check my rank.

Even though I think its trivial. But, eh, 140 is good enough for me.

October 27, 2013 2:13 a.m.

Panda213 says... #7

I was stuck at 105 foreevvveerrrr... I just started posting more and more and finally snuck in the top 100, been staying around 92 but have had to stay as active. Good card suggestions really help as well... or so it seemed to help me at least :)

October 27, 2013 2:14 a.m.

Blizzicane says... #8

I just want to reach 100 so I can change deckling out of my name.... D:

October 27, 2013 2:17 a.m.

Deco_y says... #9

19 bitchessssss

October 27, 2013 2:18 a.m.

Blizzicane says... #10

Dam just checked my rank I got 141 more ranks to go...

October 27, 2013 2:18 a.m.

Blizzicane says... #11

@Deco_y D:<

October 27, 2013 2:19 a.m.

MrKnify says... #12

lol. card suggestions only help so much, alot of forum helps. overall is best I think.

October 27, 2013 2:40 a.m.

tempest says... #13

Deco_y- lol. i'm at 8 and watching Demarge

but yeah, for awhile, people just kept dropping and i just kept moving up. my rank went up (or down) pretty quickly

October 27, 2013 3:11 a.m.

The Doctor says... #14

I have no idea how I'm 59.

October 27, 2013 3:38 a.m.

tempest says... #15

i mean, 8 has been ahem is the hardest number to get off of

October 27, 2013 3:42 a.m.

Tempest, I don't know man, 69 Is my main goal.

October 27, 2013 3:52 a.m.

tempest says... #17

I want to be either 3 or 7 since those are my favorite numbers

October 27, 2013 3:54 a.m.

11 :P

Just stay active on the site and your rank just goes down all on its own. Help people on their decks, participate in DDD stuff, and in general be a swell dude(ette) on the site and your rank will follow.

October 27, 2013 3:57 a.m.

Unforgivn_II says... #19

The easiest way to rank up quick is to have a ton of forum posts. UmbrotheUmbreon and I had a discussion that went on to 4ish pages. That was quite a boost. Although maintaining my rank has been pretty easy, I dont even do much other than a forum post here or there. I rarely suggest cards because I rarely give deck advice (who am I to tell you what's good in your deck?) The only times I can offer help is to beginners, and doing that over and over gets old quick.

October 27, 2013 4 a.m.

That being said, don't be the guy who posts gibberish all over the site just to increase your rank. Being active in the community is way different than being loud at the community.

October 27, 2013 4:06 a.m.

Pretty sure it doesn't necessarily have to be forum posts.

I primarily post on people's profiles and/or binders and I guess I have rank 18. Unless you count those as forums in which case yeah I guess so.

October 27, 2013 4:09 a.m.

I'm pretty sure it's posts anywhere on the site. That way deck help posts benefit you as well. My attention is pretty evenly split between the two, and my rank is about as good as it can get. Stands to reason that my deck posts have been helpful in that regard.

October 27, 2013 4:12 a.m.

MrKnify says... #23

@NobodyPicksBulbasaur that is a good point.

October 27, 2013 4:15 a.m.

Unforgivn_II oddly enough it was completely about Pokemon :D

October 27, 2013 4:39 a.m.

Unforgivn_II says... #25

Well, yeah. I have no regrets.

October 27, 2013 4:54 a.m.

I don't think there ever was or will be a question about my rank. I'm a full 100,480 points ahead of the second-ranked user.

October 27, 2013 4:58 a.m.

SwiftDeath says... #27

Im literally on every day and I've been stuck outside the top 10 sitting at 15.

T-T lost a rank since 2 days ago, was at 14 and was at 12 a few weeks ago.

October 27, 2013 5:10 a.m.

Vorxis says... #28

My highest rank was in the 20's sometime in 2010! I've not been nearly active enough in the last couple of years though, and I've slipped out of the top 100 now. I think I'm at 125ish, so still not bad.

October 27, 2013 6:47 a.m.

Chubbub says... #29

Getting past 50 is such a pain. I've been in the lower fifties for two or three months now.

October 27, 2013 7:03 a.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #30

I haven't had many problems with advancing my rank. I think the last time it slipped backward was a few months ago around 190ish. Just keeps moving foreard since them.

I think the rating system like me. :)

October 27, 2013 9:47 a.m.

Yep, appear to be just chillin' out at 52.

October 27, 2013 10 a.m.

tempest says... #32

Epochalyptik- you should go somewhere with absolutely no way to get on T/O and come back 2 weeks later. :)

October 27, 2013 10:32 a.m.

I've set at 145 for the past month. Couldn't move at all and I was on here about every other day. Finally moved 2 spots since then to 143.

October 27, 2013 10:39 a.m.

gnarlicide says... #34

I am also trying to get in the top 100. I am assuming I will be there by the end of the month. I think I am at 106 or something like it. when it happens, I will upgrade my account.

October 27, 2013 11:02 a.m.

MrKnify says... #35

@gnarlicide how many points are you at? I'm oover 6000.

October 27, 2013 12:03 p.m.

gnarlicide says... #36

@MrKnify, I have 0 points. Why, should I have any? I am just on here damn near daily, doing trades and giving advice and tips and whatnot. I am a pretty active member, I comment on almost every deck I take the time to look at and get involved in nearly every post I look at. I dunno, it seems I am on here a lot. But really, I get on in the morning before I go to work and in the evening before I go to bed. So maybe a couple hours.

October 27, 2013 1:18 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #37

No gnarlicide, you do have points. But non-upgraded users can't see their point totals.

October 27, 2013 1:22 p.m.

gnarlicide says... #38

Damn, I didnt know. Thanks for the tip.

October 27, 2013 1:25 p.m.

raithe000 says... #39

Um, I'm pretty sure I'm not upgraded, and I can see everyone's points (gnarlicide, you have 6640 as of right now). Is this a glitch?

October 27, 2013 1:30 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #40

Maybe. I can't see your points or gnarlicide's points, but I can see upgraded users' like MrKnify, and I know I'm not upgraded.

Maybe you upgraded at some point and forgot about it. :)

October 27, 2013 1:37 p.m.

MrKnify says... #41

Now I've very curious to who is in 100 to 95th position, then I will know what point total I will need to beat lol. and is there a way to reset your points?

October 27, 2013 1:39 p.m.

MrKnify says... #42

He is not upgraded as I cannot see his points, I think he has an "upgrade" of sorts, but its most likely a bug. @GoldGhost012.

October 27, 2013 1:41 p.m.

raithe000 says... #43

No, I'm definitely not upgraded. Only 1 deckcycle a day and I can't change my name.

Well, if anyone wants to know their points, just ask, I guess.

October 27, 2013 1:41 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #44

Cool. Can you look at my points raithe000? I really want to see if I'm as strong as Goku. Thanks.

I also really want to know how to change my "Deckling" status. I'm at rank 83, so within the top 100, but apparently can't change it. Is the system broken, so I have to be an upgraded user, or am I just not doing something right?

October 27, 2013 1:57 p.m.

raithe000 says... #45

@GoldGhost012 you are at 7740 as of right now. And I believe you have to be upgraded to change your title.

October 27, 2013 2 p.m.

MrKnify says... #46

@raithe000 Cool!.

I am not the master at how the points work, if anything I have a bare understanding of it.

on your user page is a list of items that are tallied. you see more if your upgraded. It is a combination of those items that make your points.

Those who have been on the longest have alot more forum posts and thats why they have a much higher count.

Here is my example. Look at Unforgivn_II and Behgz they are both at 9400 points. this means tomorrow there may be a rank change. as each list item has a point value one of these users may have a half point.

  • Epochalyptik-- Points 177040--T/O Rank 1
  • Deco_y----------- Points 20330----T/O Rank 19
  • Unforgivn_II----- Points 9400------T/O Rank 64
  • Behgz-------------- Points 9400------T/O Rank 65
  • Panda213------- Points 7210------T/O Rank 92
  • MrKnify------------ Points 6370------T/O Rank 114
  • Now these points change daily (nightly at midnight) that means the more active the top 100 are the harder it is for a new member to get into the top 100.

    Your rank is based on how many points you have compared to everyone else on the list.

    October 27, 2013 2:02 p.m.

    GoldGhost012 says... #47

    So close...

    October 27, 2013 2:05 p.m.

    Unforgivn_II says... #48

    Ahaha suck it Behgz.

    Just kidding. I love how something so trivial gets so much attention. I'm not saying that it doesn't deserve it (competition is fun), there's just 0 perks, except a little respect.

    October 27, 2013 2:10 p.m.

    MrKnify says... #49

    @GoldGhost012 I believe you are in the top 100, my suggestion is donate, get everyone t-shirts, you will have to send mine purolator or ups. Regular mail is just so unreliable (lol, slow that is)

    October 27, 2013 2:13 p.m.

    MrKnify says... #50

    @Unforgivn_II its all my fault, I'm tracking points and bug-finding. @ShadowLand I'll have some more information for you by tomorrow.

    October 27, 2013 2:17 p.m.

    This discussion has been closed