really stupid question....
TappedOut forum
Posted on Sept. 25, 2014, 2:07 p.m. by ciscojames53 at hotmail dot co
i think i know the answer to this but what is average cmc?
weisemanjohn says... #3
Average converted mana cost. So it is the sum of the minimum mana it would require to cast all of your spells for their normal casting cost divided by the number of spells in the deck. Generally, the lower your average CMC is, the faster the deck will perform. Note that this number is skewed by 'X' cost spells that have a CMC of their colored mana requirements and take no account for the 'X' which is to be determined by your resource input.
September 25, 2014 2:16 p.m.
Well.... CMC means "Casi Me Cago", which in Spanish means LOL. So average CMC must mean "Average LOL". And average LOL is just a normal laughing, but with a little more feeling in it.
Hope this helped :D
September 25, 2014 3:42 p.m.
ciscojames53 at hotmail dot co says... #6
thanks guys and special thanks to NorthernRaven that was good lol
shuflw says... #2
average converted mana cost. if you had a deck with 40 non-land permanents, 20 with cmc 1 and 20 with cmc 3, the average cmc of the deck would be 2.
September 25, 2014 2:15 p.m.