Request: Card Rarity Graph on Deck Page

TappedOut forum

Posted on Nov. 29, 2011, 5:06 a.m. by ZaLiTHkA

Somewhat random request, but is there any chance of getting a break down of Card Rarity on deck pages...?

I think having it in a similar style to the Mana Curve bar graph and positioned just below it would be nice. It only needs 4 bars: 'C' for Common, 'U' for Uncommon, 'R' for Rare and 'MR' for Mythic Rare.

Mostly I think it would be a really nice finishing touch and provide interesting stats when browsing through decks other members have shared. However, for people trying to design decks on a budget, it would be handy to be able to click the bar for the 'Mythic Rare' or 'Rare' card count and see which cards are pushing the deck cost up. :)

tappedout1234 says... #2

Well I think that ultimately you want the actual prices up on the page, as even some uncommons are more expensive than most mythic rares... I'm surprised they haven't used the API from tcgplayer (It may cost too much or some other thing)

Of course Tappedout has a pricing feature already, but I think the whole thing needs to be reworked, and should incorporate tcgplayer's API... The problem is that there are so few developers for a site like this (I believe?) that there's no way they can update the prices on their own in a way that greatly benefits users like tcgplayer...

Anyway, tappedout is a great site and I hope they keep making good improvements to it! (If there's anything I can do, let me know!)

November 29, 2011 8:50 a.m.

ZaLiTHkA says... #3

Well, the main point of my request was simply to see a quick breakdown of card rarity, the rest was just an after thought really.

The pricing is taken from CoolStuff Inc, which TappedOut is linked to. So as far as I know the card prices get updated automatically as they change on CoolStuff's website... I've seen cards that don't show a price on T/O, but I think those are cards that either aren't on CoolStuff's list or at the very least cards that they don't have stock of or prices for.

November 29, 2011 8:58 a.m.

tappedout1234 says... #4

I don't think that's true... I remember reading somewhere where one of the devs on this site said that the prices on coolstuffinc are independent of the ones on coolstuffinc... I'll try to find a link.

The truth is, Tcgplayer's prices are really the only ones that are useful when trying to accurately gauge how expensive a deck is. I often find myself exporting a deck to a .txt just to copy-paste it into the mass-card entry box on tcgplayer.

November 29, 2011 9:07 a.m.

ZaLiTHkA says... #5

Sorry, I meant to say "As far as I know, the pricing is taken from CoolStuff...". I wasn't sure, I was just speculating because of the links to CoolStuff, but looking now the prices are actually different anyway.

But as I mentioned, I'm still more interested in seeing a quick break down of card rarity anyway.

November 29, 2011 9:37 a.m.

mozerdozer says... #6

You can sort cards when looking at a deck by rarity rather than by card type. Then just count up each amount.

November 29, 2011 1:08 p.m.

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