Sealed decks with lands
TappedOut forum
Posted on Nov. 26, 2010, 3:15 p.m. by pdubs
Does anyone else build sealed decks and actually populate them with the required lands? I would like to playtest some of my sealed decks against other players' builds to see if they are actually any good, but I'm having a hard time locating other sealed decks where the builder took the time to add land (most just pick their cards and move on).
Seems to me that your land choices can be almost as important as your card selection in sealed, especially if you are splashing for a third color...
DeckBuilder345 says... #4
i wouldn't mind making a deck or two, tell me the sealed sets you want to make them with, and i will put one together and then let me know the results of your test.
November 28, 2010 2:41 a.m.
I've mostly been testing out scars and M11. Will let you know how it goes!
November 30, 2010 3:29 a.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #6
Ok take you most recent SOM sealed deck and test it a few times against my For testing w/ pdub and let me know the results. I am actually pretty interested in how things turn out so please let me know.
December 2, 2010 3:32 p.m.
You kicked my butt - 5-1 so far, against quite a few different SOM sealed decks that I had put together. Your deck had some good luck getting Koth out early - he showed up in (I think) three or four of the matches.
Round 1: SOM Sealed 06 vs. For testing w/ pdub
For Testing: 1 SOM Sealed 06: 0 Summary: SOM Sealed 06 had better luck with mana and good synergy between precursor golem, glint hawk, and two rusted relics, but SOM Sealed 06 was forced to squander much of that early lead to take out Testings turn 6 Koth as he neared his ultimate. The life lost when SOM went all-in to take down Koth proved critical when Testing drew spikeshot elder and a strata scythe, firing damage past SOM Sealed 06s army of golems for the win. Interestingly, if SOM Sealed 06 had survived one more turn, he would have sealed the game with an assault strobe onto the golems (one strobe would be copied across 4 golems and two rusted relics due to precursor golems ability).
December 28, 2010 11:56 p.m.
Round 2: SOM Sealed 05 vs. For testing w/ pdub
Testing: 1 SOM Sealed 05: 0
Testing goes first. Testing gets a good fast mix with fume spitter and embersmith, takes out a gold myr with embersmith casting a moriok replica on turn 3, brings out the Hammer on turn 5 and its downhill from there. Over by turn 6.
December 28, 2010 11:58 p.m.
Round 3: SOM Sealed 04 vs. For testing w/ pdub
Testing: 1 SOM Sealed 04: 0
SOM Sealed goes first. Walls of tanglecord out early for both sides create a stalemate for a few turns. Deckbuilder eventually breaks the stalemate with bleak coven vampires, then gets out an ichorclaw myr. SOM Sealed uses slice in twain on the myr and imprints it on mimic vat. Testing gets a tumble magnet out to deal with the mimic ichorclaw myr, but myr galvanizer is able to keep the mimic untapped to attack. Testing gets out kuldotha rebirth tokens and is able to take out SOM Sealeds life before SOM Sealed can land enough poison counters with the mimic myr.
December 28, 2010 11:59 p.m.
Round 4: SOM Sealed 04 vs. For testing w/ pdub
Testing: 0 SOM Sealed 04: 1
My only win so far. I got a prototype portal of a mindslaver - enough said, right?
December 29, 2010 12:01 a.m.
Round 5
Testing vs. SOM Sealed 03
Testing: 1 SOM Sealed 03: 0
SOM Sealed 03 starts with a mulligan and goes first, but getting two mana myr and a myr galvanizer out by turn 4 helps accelerate. Testing takes out a myr with an instill infection, and the other with a fume spitter. Two flameborn hellions and a well-timed assault strobe win the game handily for Testing by round 7.
yeaGO says... #2
Feel free to copy any sealed decks and throw some land in. =)
November 26, 2010 8:57 p.m.