Site suggestion
TappedOut forum
Posted on Dec. 9, 2013, 7:19 p.m. by AnagonLordofSnakes
Hello all, I have a suggestion for the site.
Make posting in certain types of forums easier than it is.
I just spent about 5 minutes trying to figure out how to post an EDH thread.
I ended up not being able to figure out how to do it, I also see the user that runs this site posting around the clock on everyone's threads about how they're in the wrong topic.
I agree they should be in the right topic..... but why is it so damn hard to post in a specific topic?
Either way I am looking for help finishing up my creatureless EDH deck featuring Hythonia the Cruel and Phage the Untouchable
AnagonLordofSnakes says... #3
You know what.......
I was actually just being dumb, I never noticed the FORUMS tab in the toolbar so sorry about that.
Clicking that made being able to post much easier,
It still doesn't seem very "new user friendly" though
December 9, 2013 7:37 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #4
What do you mean?
If you have suggestions, you can certainly make them. We value feedback, even if we don't end up implementing exact suggestions.
December 9, 2013 7:40 p.m.
AnagonLordofSnakes says... #5
I tried photoshopping a screenshot of what I have in mind but I just realized my computer has no photo editing software.
I'll try typing out my suggestion..... Basically a dropdown with all the forum types (you pick the one you want to post in)
So here's an example of what I'm talking about (with current setup for posting in forum)
Title:-Title goes here- "avacyn restored worst set ever made"
BOX CONTAINING "start a new thread"
There you go, that way the user is not entirely clueless as to which specific forum they are posting on.
December 9, 2013 7:51 p.m.
AnagonLordofSnakes says... #7
A dropdown just like the one that you select your format when creating a deck on this site.
But put it under your thread name
December 9, 2013 7:57 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #8
The forum descriptions are still important, though. We'd need to display those somehow.
December 9, 2013 8:18 p.m.
notamardybum says... #9
AnagonLordofSnakes you do realize the term photoshopping involves an actual program called Photoshop right?
December 9, 2013 8:34 p.m.
AnagonLordofSnakes says... #10
Epochalyptik yeah, I think the place the forum descriptions are right now is fine, I just think that making posting on a specific forum "easier" with a drop down would be beneficial.
To the guy who mentioned me (can't read your name) yes I know. Were you offended? If so I'm sorry
December 9, 2013 8:39 p.m.
I think that you should post your thread in "Deck Help". If there is something specific that you want help with then you could point it out. If your deck fits with any of the recent "Advertise your deck" threads, you could add to it. The most classic way to get attention for your deck is to "deckcycle" it and hope that someone notices. A clever way to go about it is to watch out for people with similar decks and see if you can start a conversation with them that is two-ways (you comment on their deck, they comment on yours).
I can see that it is becoming complicated to get deck help. Some new ideas might be worth looking into but I'm not entirely sure what you mean by making it easier with a drop-down.
Are you thinking maybe have a generic post box option with some boxes you can click like:
- I want suggestions with this deck
- I want +1's for this deck
- This is a question about the rules
- This is an idea for a new community card or set
- This is a Standard only question
- This is an EDH only question
- This is a Modern question
- This is a Legacy question
- This thread relates to economics
- Other
Or if this isn't what you meant by "drop down", then what did you mean? Sorry but "drop down" could mean a lot of things.
December 9, 2013 8:55 p.m.
I guess that you probably meant that the drop box would just give the list of threads as options (reading your previous post again). But I'm not sure how much that would help someone who hadn't already looked at those at some point (they would be likely to post help for EDH in the EDH thread, for example).
December 9, 2013 9:10 p.m.
AnagonLordofSnakes says... #13
Ok I am trying to make myself as clear as I can here.
If you do not understand what I mean by "drop down" please search "drop down menu" on google images.
That is what I mean.
It literally could be the same sort of thing that is currently in the deck adding area of the site.
December 9, 2013 9:32 p.m.
I didn't know whether you were talking about a drop-down menu that involves the same exact choice people make already after clicking on "Forums" or if you were talking about trying to save Epoch some time by automating the process of choosing a thread.
I think I know what you mean now (as I said in my last post), I just am not sure I understand how that helps. If people are systematically choosing the wrong forum to post a new thread in so that Epoch has to be moving things all the time, then why would they choose the right forum section more often with the use of a drop down menu and no browsing of the threads or description?
I guess that's why I thought you might be talking about some kind of way to automate the process that Epoch spends so much time doing (choosing the right section for a new thread). But I see that you weren't, that was just my own approach to the problem seeping in, I think.
Epochalyptik says... #2
The Online Magic forum handles discussion about online Magic programs, as per the forum description. The TappedOut forum handles site-related discussion.
Actually, the forum descriptions are all pretty clear in my opinion. The problem seems to be that people don't bother reading them (or at least all of them) before posting.
Posting doesn't vary in difficulty from forum to forum. Posting a thread is just like posting a comment, and it's the same process for every one of the forums.
I also don't run the site. I just do a lot of the management.
Furthermore, almost every forum description specifically says "NO DECKLISTS." Decklists belong in the Deck Help forum.
December 9, 2013 7:31 p.m.