Spoiler Tag Button

TappedOut forum

Posted on Sept. 19, 2015, 10:54 p.m. by DemonDragonJ

On several other forums of which I am a member, there is a button on the new post window that allows a user to easily insert spoiler tags, but it seems that this forum lacks such a feature, so I wonder if it would be possible to add such a feature to it.

What can anyone else say about that? Would it be possible to add a spoiler tag button to the interface that a user has when they make a new post? Thank you very much.

Femme_Fatale says... #2

It's a wild spoiler! Show

September 19, 2015 11:21 p.m. Edited.

DemonDragonJ says... #3

Femme_Fatale: How did you make that button? Is there a "spoiler tag" button next to the bold, italic, link, image, user, card, and symbol buttons, or did you need to manually type the text for that tag?

September 19, 2015 11:31 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #4

===spoiler: Insert spoiler title here.

Insert spoiler text here.


September 20, 2015 12:32 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #5


yeaGO! We need to add a spoiler button to the button section at the top of the comment box. It will stop people from having to continuously ask how to do a spoiler.

Also, having a code button would be great as well so people won't have to say "add those triangle brackets at the start and end of that code" all the time.

September 20, 2015 12:35 a.m.

hyperlocke says... #6

Also, while we're talking about spoilers, could you make the standard T/O syntax work in spoilers and accordions, yeaGO? There's a question about this at least twice a month.

September 20, 2015 5:56 a.m.

yeaGO says... #7

on the list

September 20, 2015 5:25 p.m.

yeaGO says... #8

added to the comment help bar

October 8, 2015 5:46 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #9


October 8, 2015 6:02 p.m.

DemonDragonJ says... #10


I noticed that, next to the "spoiler block" button, there were two other buttons names "accordion block" and "code block;" what do those do? I am reluctant to use them until I fully understand them, since I do not wish to make an awkward post that I cannot alter or delete.

October 8, 2015 10:32 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #11

Here is accordion, and code respectively.

Content goes here

Content goes here

===panel:Title goes here
Content goes here
===panel:Title goes here
Content goes here

October 8, 2015 11:10 p.m. Edited.

dragon_slayer says... #12

In my deck, Legacy Equipment, the accordion doesn't seem to be working.

Maybe I should've started a new post, but this seemed on-topic.

October 9, 2015 5:35 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #13

Give the entire code dragon_slayer. We can't do anything without knowing the code.

October 9, 2015 7:07 p.m.

dragon_slayer says... #14

It seems to work here...

Puresteel Paladin--Our card engine, replaces every equipment with another card and can eventually make all our equipment cost zero.

Stoneforge Mystic--Our equipment tutor; can fetch us any equipment we might need for any situation. Combos with Batterskull very nicely.

Leonin Shikari--Combos with Puresteel Paladin for instant-speed equipping of any equipment. Also works well on its own with Lightning Greaves.

Mother of Runes--Very powerful, allows all our creatures to dodge removal. Most decks will need to kill it on turn 1, and if they don't, you are in great shape.

Kor Duelist--This little guy gets very powerful when equipped. Double strike means two sword triggers or 4 counters for Umezawa's Jitte.

Batterskull--Our main piece of equipment. This is what we will usually search for with Stoneforge Mystic.

Umezawa's Jitte--This equipment is awesome, and even better against aggressive decks. It really shines on a Kor Duelist.

Sword of Fire and Ice/Sword of Light and Shadow/Sword of Feast and Famine/Sword of War and Peace--Searchable for with Stoneforge Mystic for any matchup in which you might need a certain sword. 2 triggers when equipped on a Kor Duelist.

Lightning Greaves--Gives any creature shroud to dodge removal. Remember, you can't equip a creature that is already equipped with a Lightning Greaves.

Argentum Armor--This big equipment can deal with almost anything. It can be searched for by Stoneforge Mystic and equipped for free with Puresteel Paladin.

Cranial Plating--This little equipment can pump a creature to big sizes with the help of artifact lands and other cheap artifacts.

AEther Vial--If you play this on turn 1 you are in great shape. It allows us to have un-counterable creatures at instant speed. You won't ever want more than 2 counters on it.

Mox Opal--With metalcraft, this provides mana acceleration which is always helpful.

Swords to Plowshares--Our removal, costing only 1 mana.

Council's Judgment--Gets rid of problematic permanents without targeting them. See ya, Emrakul!

Karakas--Gives us some mainboard protection against Show and Tell/reanimatior decks that involve winning with big legendary creatures.

Cavern of Souls--Stops counterspells and pesky miracles decks from disrupting our gameplan. Naming kor will get Stoneforge Mystic and Kor Duelist through safely, naming soldier will protect Leonin Shikari and Kor Duelist, and naming human will secure a resolved Puresteel Paladin or Mother of Runes.

Ancient Den/Darksteel Citadel--These artifact lands help provide metalcraft in the early game.

Cataclysm--Shines against creature-based decks by destroying all but one of their creatures. Meanwhile, you are able to save one creature and one equipment to take over the game.

Ensnaring Bridge--This deck has trouble dealing with Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Griselbrand, and other reanimator/Show and Tell targets.

Grafdigger's Cage--Great against, reanimator, dredge, all my spells, etc...

Thalia, Guardian of Thraben--Great agains most control decks, aggro decks, Storm, ect. First strike is also relevant.

Manriki-Gusari--Good against other Stoneblade type decks.

Ethersworn Canonist--Another combo hater, good against elves, storm, etc...

Pithing Needle--All-around hate that provides for metalcraft.

Nahiri, the Lithomancer--Great against control, Nahiri works wonders in the late game bringing back destroyed equipment and providing a steady stream of creatures for those equipment through boardwipes.

Tormod's Crypt--More graveyard hate.

Containment Priest--Gets rid of pesky Emrakul, the Aeons Torns, and other Show and Tell/reanimator targets.

In addition to Ancient Den, there are four other artifact lands that produce colored mana: Seat of the Synod, Vault of Whispers, Great Furnace, and Tree of Tales. Any one of these other artifact lands can replace Darksteel Citadel (which produces colorless mana) to add a splash color. With the inclusion of Mox Opal, there will be 8 sources of the color you want to splash. Bear in mind that Darksteel Citadel has indestructible, so it can't be removed by Wasteland, while the other artifact lands can.

While Brainstorm isn't as effective in this deck because of the absence of many shuffling effects, blue gives us access to Preordain and Ponder to smooth out our draws. In addition, Thoughtcast gives us card advantage and can usually be cast for only one or two mana. Stifle is an option for defending against Wasteland, and Spell Pierce gives the deck a cheap way to answer noncreature spells. In the sideboard, Meddling Mage is a versatile answer to any problematic card and it's also a 2-drop for AEther Vial. Flusterstorm gives us extra resilience against combo, and Chill slows down red decks greatly. Jace, the Mind Sculptor and True-Name Nemesis are both extremely powerful cards, but are much harder to splash due to the double blue in their casting costs.

Black gives us hand disruption in the form of Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, Duress, and Tidehollow Sculler. Dark Confidant provides valuable card advantage and is a 2-drop for AEther Vial. Toxic Deluge and Zealous Persecution are great against hordes of tokens or other small creatures, and Perish is great against all things green. Liliana of the Veil is powerful, but harder to splash for with double black in her casting cost.

Lightning Bolt is the main reason to splash red, but the color also gives us a wide variety of sideboard options to combat different decks. Pyroblast and Red Elemental Blast are good against control and anything else blue, while Wear / Tear helps remove problematic artifacts and enchantments. Sudden Demise helps to get rid of lots of tokens. While this deck is sometimes hindered by Blood Moon, it can be a much bigger problem to other decks that are more vulnerable.

Green is the least rewarding splash color. Because this deck doesn't fill its graveyard very fast, Tarmogoyf, while still powerful, is not as effective in this deck, however it is a 2-drop for AEther Vial. Sylvan Library is great at smoothing your draws, but the absence of many shuffling effects hinders its usefulness. Scavenging Ooze is a great piece of graveyard hate, but requires a heavy commitment to green to be effective. However, green does give us some effective sideboard options. Krosan Grip ensures the destruction of problematic artifacts and enchantments. Choke is a great hate card against blue decks, and Xantid Swarm is a great defense against counterspells.

October 9, 2015 8:32 p.m.

dragon_slayer says... #15

Never mind, but it worked in the preview page.

I'm not sure how to post the code without it actually creating the accordion.

October 9, 2015 8:34 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #16

I presented how to do the code already. Hit the code button.

October 9, 2015 8:54 p.m.

dragon_slayer says... #17

Here it is, it's pretty long, but I cut all of the unnecessary text away.


===panel: <center>Deck Breakdown</center>


===panel: <center>Creatures</center>

Text here


===panel: <center>Equipment</center>

Text here


===panel: <center>Support Cards</center>

Text here


===panel: <center>The Sideboard</center>

Text here


===panel: <center>Splashing Colors</center>

Text here


===panel: <center>Blue</center>

Text here


===panel: <center>Black</center>

Text here


===panel: <center>Red</center>

Text here


===panel: <center>Green</center>

Text here







October 9, 2015 9:32 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #18

It works in the preview ...

Text here

Text here

Text here

Text here

Text here

Text here

Text here

Works perfectly fine to me. This tells me that you are using alternate code inside the accordions that isn't coded properly. That is what you'll have to fix.

October 9, 2015 9:59 p.m. Edited.

dragon_slayer says... #19

That's weird...

It still isn't working, even if I replace it with the code I put into comment #16

October 9, 2015 10:10 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #20

Like I said, it is probably whatever code you are putting into the accordion to make it not work. Because I literally just copy/pasted that code in #16 and it worked. So remove all coding that is inside the accordion beyond what is displayed at #16, see if that works. If not, post the ENTIRE thing here.

October 9, 2015 10:17 p.m.

dragon_slayer says... #21

Yes, that is what I did, and it still didn't work. Well, here goes...


===panel: <center>Deck Breakdown</center>


===panel: <center>Creatures</center>

[[Puresteel Paladin]]--Our card engine, replaces every equipment with another card and can eventually make all our equipment cost zero.<p>

[[Stoneforge Mystic]]--Our equipment tutor; can fetch us any equipment we might need for any situation. Combos with [[Batterskull]] very nicely.<p>

[[Leonin Shikari]]--Combos with [[Puresteel Paladin]] for instant-speed equipping of any equipment. Also works well on its own with [[Lightning Greaves]].<p>

[[Mother of Runes]]--Very powerful, allows all our creatures to dodge removal. Most decks will need to kill it on turn 1, and if they don't, you are in great shape.<p>

[[Kor Duelist]]--This little guy gets very powerful when equipped. Double strike means two sword triggers or 4 counters for [[Umezawa's Jitte]].<p>


===panel: <center>Equipment</center>

[[Batterskull]]--Our main piece of equipment. This is what we will usually search for with [[Stoneforge Mystic]].<p>

[[Umezawa's Jitte]]--This equipment is awesome, and even better against aggressive decks. It really shines on a [[Kor Duelist]].<p>

[[Sword of Fire and Ice]]/[[Sword of Light and Shadow]]/[[Sword of Feast and Famine]]/[[Sword of War and Peace]]--Searchable for with [[Stoneforge Mystic]] for any matchup in which you might need a certain sword. 2 triggers when equipped on a [[Kor Duelist]].<p>

[[Lightning Greaves]]--Gives any creature shroud to dodge removal. Remember, you can't equip a creature that is already equipped with a [[Lightning Greaves]].<p>

[[Argentum Armor]]--This big equipment can deal with almost anything. It can be searched for by [[Stoneforge Mystic]] and equipped for free with [[Puresteel Paladin]].<p>

[[Cranial Plating]]--This little equipment can pump a creature to big sizes with the help of artifact lands and other cheap artifacts.<p>


===panel: <center>Support Cards</center>

[[Aether vial]]--If you play this on turn 1 you are in great shape. It allows us to have un-counterable creatures at instant speed. You won't ever want more than 2 counters on it.<p>

[[Mox Opal]]--With metalcraft, this provides mana acceleration, which is always helpful.<p>

[[Swords to Plowshares]]--Our removal, costing only 1 mana.<p>

[[Council's Judgment]]--Gets rid of problematic permanents without targeting them. See ya, Emrakul!<p>

[[Karakas]]--Gives us some mainboard protection against [[show and tell]]/reanimator decks that involve winning with big legendary creatures.<p>

[[Cavern of souls]]--Stops counterspells and pesky miracles decks from disrupting our gameplan. Naming kor will get [[stoneforge mystic]] and [[kor duelist]] through safely, naming soldier will protect [[leonin shikari]] and [[kor duelist]], and naming human will secure a resolved [[puresteel paladin]] or [[mother of runes]].<p>

[[ancient den]]/[[Darksteel citadel]]--These artifact lands help provide metalcraft in the early game.<p>


===panel: <center>The Sideboard</center>

[[Cataclysm]]--Shines against creature-based decks by destroying all but one of their creatures. Meanwhile, you are able to save one creature and one equipment to take over the game.<p>

[[Ensnaring Bridge]]--This deck has trouble dealing with [[Emrakul, the Aeons Torn]], [[Griselbrand]], and other reanimator/[[Show and Tell]] targets.<p>

[[Grafdigger's Cage]]--Great against, reanimator, dredge, all my spells, etc...<p>

[[Thalia, Guardian of Thraben]]--Great agains most control decks, Storm, ect. First strike is also relevant.<p>

[[Manriki-Gusari]]--Good against other Stoneblade type decks.<p>

[[Ethersworn Canonist]]--Another combo hater, good against elves, storm, etc...<p>

[[Pithing Needle]]--All-around hate that provides for metalcraft.<p>

[[Nahiri, the Lithomancer]]--Great against control, Nahiri works wonders in the late game bringing back destroyed equipment and providing a steady stream of creatures for those equipment through boardwipes.<p>

[[Tormod's Crypt]]--More graveyard hate.<p>

[[Containment Priest]]--Gets rid of pesky [[Emrakul, the Aeons Torn]]s, and other [[Show and Tell]]/reanimator targets.<p>


===panel: <center>Splashing Colors</center>

In addition to [[Ancient den]], there are four other artifact lands that produce colored mana: [[seat of the synod]], [[vault of whispers]], [[great furnace]], and [[tree of tales]]. Any one of these other artifact lands can replace [[darksteel citadel]] (which produces colorless mana) to add a splash color. With the inclusion of [[mox opal]], there will be 8 sources of the color you want to splash. Bear in mind that [[darksteel citadel]] has indestructible, so it can't be removed by [[wasteland]], while the other artifact lands can.


===panel: <center>Blue</center>

While [[brainstorm]] isn't as effective in this deck because of the absence of many shuffling effects, blue gives us access to [[preordain]] and [[ponder]] to smooth out our draws. In addition, [[Thoughtcast]] gives us card advantage and can usually be cast for only one or two mana. [[Stifle]] is an option for defending against [[wasteland]], and [[spell pierce]] gives the deck a cheap way to answer noncreature spells. In the sideboard, [[meddling mage]] is a versatile answer to any problematic card and it's also a 2-drop for [[Aether vial]]. [[flusterstorm]] gives us extra resilience against combo, and [[chill]] slows down red decks greatly. [[jace, the mind sculptor]] and [[true-name nemesis]] are both extremely powerful cards, but are much harder to splash due to the double blue in their casting costs.


===panel: <center>Black</center>

Black gives us hand disruption in the form of [[thoughtseize]], [[inquisition of kozilek]], [[duress]], and [[tidehollow sculler]]. [[dark confidant]] provides valuable card advantage and is a 2-drop for [[Aether vial]]. [[Toxic Deluge]] and [[zealous persecution]] are great against hordes of tokens or other small creatures, and [[perish]] is great against all things green. [[liliana of the veil]] is powerful, but harder to splash for with double black in her casting cost.


===panel: <center>Red</center>

[[Lightning bolt]] is the main reason to splash red, but the color also gives us a wide variety of sideboard options to combat different decks. [[Pyroblast]] and [[red elemental blast]] are good against control and anything else blue, while [[wear // tear]] helps remove problematic artifacts and enchantments. [[sudden demise]] helps to get rid of lots of tokens. While this deck is sometimes hindered by [[blood moon]], it can be a much bigger problem to other decks that are more vulnerable.


===panel: <center>Green</center>

Green is the least rewarding splash color. Because this deck doesn't fill its graveyard very fast, [[tarmogoyf]], while still powerful, is not as effective in this deck, however it is a 2-drop for [[aether vial]]. [[sylvan library]] is great at smoothing your draws, but the absence of many shuffling effects hinders its usefulness. [[scavenging ooze]] is a great piece of graveyard hate, but requires a heavy commitment to green to be effective. However, green does give us some effective sideboard options. [[krosan grip]] ensures the destruction of problematic artifacts and enchantments. [[choke]] is a great hate card against blue decks, and [[xantid swarm]] is a great defense against counterspells.







I believe that the only other code I had in the text was the paragraph breaks and the card image displaying.

October 10, 2015 6:40 a.m.

hyperlocke says... #22

The code works for me. You can remove the < p >'s, as of yesterday, you can use normal T/O syntax in spoilers/accordions (eg a free line for a new paragraph).

What do you mean by "card image displaying"?

October 10, 2015 6:57 a.m. Edited.

dragon_slayer says... #23

Card image displaying: The double brackets around the card names, which probably don't make a difference anyways.

I removed the < p >'s, but it still doesn't work. Maybe something is wrong with my computer. Anyways, thank you so much for your help!

October 10, 2015 7:09 a.m.

dragon_slayer says... #24

Strange. It doesn't work on my iPad either.

October 10, 2015 7:15 a.m.

hyperlocke says... #25

@dragon_slayer: Does this deck work for you?


October 10, 2015 2:25 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #26

Why do you have the p syntax? Those things are useless if you aren't closing them off because they break your entire thing. You have to use br.

However regardless, the entire thing works for me when I copy and paste it. Are you an upgraded user or not?

Puresteel Paladin--Our card engine, replaces every equipment with another card and can eventually make all our equipment cost zero.

Stoneforge Mystic--Our equipment tutor; can fetch us any equipment we might need for any situation. Combos with Batterskull very nicely.

Leonin Shikari--Combos with Puresteel Paladin for instant-speed equipping of any equipment. Also works well on its own with Lightning Greaves.

Mother of Runes--Very powerful, allows all our creatures to dodge removal. Most decks will need to kill it on turn 1, and if they don't, you are in great shape.

Kor Duelist--This little guy gets very powerful when equipped. Double strike means two sword triggers or 4 counters for Umezawa's Jitte.

Batterskull--Our main piece of equipment. This is what we will usually search for with Stoneforge Mystic.

Umezawa's Jitte--This equipment is awesome, and even better against aggressive decks. It really shines on a Kor Duelist.

Sword of Fire and Ice/Sword of Light and Shadow/Sword of Feast and Famine/Sword of War and Peace--Searchable for with Stoneforge Mystic for any matchup in which you might need a certain sword. 2 triggers when equipped on a Kor Duelist.

Lightning Greaves--Gives any creature shroud to dodge removal. Remember, you can't equip a creature that is already equipped with a Lightning Greaves.

Argentum Armor--This big equipment can deal with almost anything. It can be searched for by Stoneforge Mystic and equipped for free with Puresteel Paladin.

Cranial Plating--This little equipment can pump a creature to big sizes with the help of artifact lands and other cheap artifacts.

AEther Vial--If you play this on turn 1 you are in great shape. It allows us to have un-counterable creatures at instant speed. You won't ever want more than 2 counters on it.

Mox Opal--With metalcraft, this provides mana acceleration, which is always helpful.

Swords to Plowshares--Our removal, costing only 1 mana.

Council's Judgment--Gets rid of problematic permanents without targeting them. See ya, Emrakul!

Karakas--Gives us some mainboard protection against Show and Tell/reanimator decks that involve winning with big legendary creatures.

Cavern of Souls--Stops counterspells and pesky miracles decks from disrupting our gameplan. Naming kor will get Stoneforge Mystic and Kor Duelist through safely, naming soldier will protect Leonin Shikari and Kor Duelist, and naming human will secure a resolved Puresteel Paladin or Mother of Runes.

Ancient Den/Darksteel Citadel--These artifact lands help provide metalcraft in the early game.

Cataclysm--Shines against creature-based decks by destroying all but one of their creatures. Meanwhile, you are able to save one creature and one equipment to take over the game.

Ensnaring Bridge--This deck has trouble dealing with Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Griselbrand, and other reanimator/Show and Tell targets.

Grafdigger's Cage--Great against, reanimator, dredge, all my spells, etc...

Thalia, Guardian of Thraben--Great agains most control decks, Storm, ect. First strike is also relevant.

Manriki-Gusari--Good against other Stoneblade type decks.

Ethersworn Canonist--Another combo hater, good against elves, storm, etc...

Pithing Needle--All-around hate that provides for metalcraft.

Nahiri, the Lithomancer--Great against control, Nahiri works wonders in the late game bringing back destroyed equipment and providing a steady stream of creatures for those equipment through boardwipes.

Tormod's Crypt--More graveyard hate.

Containment Priest--Gets rid of pesky Emrakul, the Aeons Torns, and other Show and Tell/reanimator targets.

In addition to Ancient Den, there are four other artifact lands that produce colored mana: Seat of the Synod, Vault of Whispers, Great Furnace, and Tree of Tales. Any one of these other artifact lands can replace Darksteel Citadel (which produces colorless mana) to add a splash color. With the inclusion of Mox Opal, there will be 8 sources of the color you want to splash. Bear in mind that Darksteel Citadel has indestructible, so it can't be removed by Wasteland, while the other artifact lands can.

While Brainstorm isn't as effective in this deck because of the absence of many shuffling effects, blue gives us access to Preordain and Ponder to smooth out our draws. In addition, Thoughtcast gives us card advantage and can usually be cast for only one or two mana. Stifle is an option for defending against Wasteland, and Spell Pierce gives the deck a cheap way to answer noncreature spells. In the sideboard, Meddling Mage is a versatile answer to any problematic card and it's also a 2-drop for AEther Vial. Flusterstorm gives us extra resilience against combo, and Chill slows down red decks greatly. Jace, the Mind Sculptor and True-Name Nemesis are both extremely powerful cards, but are much harder to splash due to the double blue in their casting costs.

Black gives us hand disruption in the form of Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, Duress, and Tidehollow Sculler. Dark Confidant provides valuable card advantage and is a 2-drop for AEther Vial. Toxic Deluge and Zealous Persecution are great against hordes of tokens or other small creatures, and Perish is great against all things green. Liliana of the Veil is powerful, but harder to splash for with double black in her casting cost.

Lightning Bolt is the main reason to splash red, but the color also gives us a wide variety of sideboard options to combat different decks. Pyroblast and Red Elemental Blast are good against control and anything else blue, while Wear / Tear helps remove problematic artifacts and enchantments. Sudden Demise helps to get rid of lots of tokens. While this deck is sometimes hindered by Blood Moon, it can be a much bigger problem to other decks that are more vulnerable.

Green is the least rewarding splash color. Because this deck doesn't fill its graveyard very fast, Tarmogoyf, while still powerful, is not as effective in this deck, however it is a 2-drop for AEther Vial. Sylvan Library is great at smoothing your draws, but the absence of many shuffling effects hinders its usefulness. Scavenging Ooze is a great piece of graveyard hate, but requires a heavy commitment to green to be effective. However, green does give us some effective sideboard options. Krosan Grip ensures the destruction of problematic artifacts and enchantments. Choke is a great hate card against blue decks, and Xantid Swarm is a great defense against counterspells.

October 10, 2015 4:17 p.m.

dragon_slayer says... #27

hyperlocke it does.

Femme_Fatale I did try the br syntax and it still didn't work. I am not an upgraded user, so that might be the issue.

October 10, 2015 6:15 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #28

Okay, then remove ALL coding. Every last bit of it. No center tag, no br, no p. Anything with a triangle bracket should go.

October 10, 2015 7:09 p.m.

dragon_slayer says... #29

Well, it seems to be working now, maybe it just needed time for some reason. Thanks again for your help!

October 11, 2015 1:35 p.m.

This discussion has been closed