TappedOut drinking game

TappedOut forum

Posted on Jan. 12, 2014, 11:47 p.m. by cr14mson

Feel free to add your own. But I feel like drinking everytime Epochalyptik says this:

"Rules questions belong in the Q&A."

doinitwrong says... #1

Drink every time someone makes an Epochalyptik card.

January 19, 2014 11:48 p.m.

cr14mson says... #2

January 22, 2014 8:29 p.m.

MagnusMTG says... #3

@cr14mson: LOL!

For sure!

January 23, 2014 4:01 p.m.

infinitemana says... #4

Drink every time someone asks if Silence counters spells.

January 23, 2014 4:54 p.m.

yeaGO says... #5

zandl wins again.

February 1, 2014 1:43 a.m.

megawurmple says... #6

Drink every time you look at someone's binder and they have hundreds of dollars of stuff you want, but you have nothing they want.

Drink whenever someone suggests a card that is illegal in the format you're playing.

Drink whenever someone suggests removing Remand from your tempo deck because it doesn't really counter the spell properly.

February 1, 2014 6:09 a.m.

cr14mson says... #7

Drink whenever someone refers to Astral Cornucopia as the "Triple X" or "XXX-rated" artifact -_-

February 3, 2014 6:25 a.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #8

Drink every time someone complains that Deathrite Shaman is banned in Modern.

February 3, 2014 3:47 p.m.

MagnusMTG says... #9

@cr14mson: Since that is the first and only time I've seen someone refer to that card that way, I'm drinking one to you.

February 3, 2014 11:09 p.m.

Jay says... #10

Drink every time you're thirsty

February 4, 2014 6:59 a.m.

zandl says... #11

Drink every time someone resurrects a topic from the dead.

Drink every time people make post-rotation decks five months prior to rotation.

May 9, 2014 3:28 a.m.

KingSorin says... #12

Drink every time a multi-coloured commander deck doesn't have Command Tower ...
Drink every time someone forgets to +1 their planeswalker

May 9, 2014 4:20 a.m.

zandl says... #13


Drink every time I resurrect this thread

Drink every time you see a deck on the homepage with 4 upvotes and 53 comments, and you go to it just to read how ignorant the creator is.

June 19, 2014 2:59 a.m.

BlackyMTG says... #14

Drink every time you read one of these and realize you're underage and these have happened before! :( 8 more years 8D

November 11, 2014 1:43 p.m.

megawurmple says... #15

Aaaand another thread brought back from the dead. At this rate we're going to have a zombie apocalypse made entirely of old TappedOut threads.

November 11, 2014 4:36 p.m.

Drink every time a thread get's necro'd, hm?

November 11, 2014 4:57 p.m.

NotSoLuckyLydia we'd all be drunk if that was the case.

I'll just add to this necro while we're at it.

Drink every time someone tries to recast their commander without paying the extra 2/4/6 mana to do so.

Drink every time you're playing planechase and somebody asks "What does this one do again?"

Drink every time someone comments on your deck with "+1 go check out my deck"

Drink every time someone asks to hop in on a game that has clearly been going on for several turns already.

Drink every time you play a spell, and twenty seconds later the blue player goes "is it too late for me to counter that?"

November 11, 2014 5:07 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #18

Drink every time somone tags vampirelazarus to a necro'd thread.

Drink every time someone tags me on matters to do with the card database even though I'm through with it.

November 11, 2014 8:41 p.m.

Woo!!!! I've already been drinking!!!

November 11, 2014 9:17 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #20

I'm underage, but who gives a fuck!

Drink everytime someone tags Femme_Fatale when they want a drink!Drink everytime someone tags Femme_Fatale when they want a drink!Drink everytime someone tags Femme_Fatale when they want a drink!Drink everytime someone tags Femme_Fatale when they want a drink!Drink everytime someone tags Femme_Fatale when they want a drink!Drink everytime someone tags Femme_Fatale when they want a drink!Drink everytime someone tags Femme_Fatale when they want a drink!Drink everytime someone tags Femme_Fatale when they want a drink!Drink everytime someone tags Femme_Fatale when they want a drink!Drink everytime someone tags Femme_Fatale when they want a drink!Drink everytime someone tags Femme_Fatale when they want a drink!Drink everytime someone tags Femme_Fatale when they want a drink!Drink everytime someone tags Femme_Fatale when they want a drink!Drink everytime someone tags Femme_Fatale when they want a drink!ANDDDDDDDD.....Drink everytime someone tags Femme_Fatale when they want a drink!Done.....

November 11, 2014 9:23 p.m.

Sauron_ says... #21

This is the greatest piece of shit I have ever seen.

November 12, 2014 3:24 p.m.

Hickorysbane says... #22

Drink. Period.

And Magic, do that too

November 12, 2014 5:47 p.m.

TheHroth says... #23

Drink every time somebody necro's a thread...

December 11, 2014 1:18 a.m.

BlackyMTG says... #24

Drink every time someone says "Drink everytime somebody necro's a thread."

December 11, 2014 1:22 a.m.

I swear to god

Ohhhh vampirelazarus

December 11, 2014 9:48 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #26

I should stop putting this out because people will keep on necro'ing the thread if I do ...

December 22, 2014 7:09 p.m.




Seriously, it's not that hard of a concept.

You are necroing for the sake of necroing and it's fucking stupid.


December 22, 2014 8:14 p.m.

yeaGO says... #28

Let us try to keep it pithy before we have come to a consensus decision on solutions :P

to me its an interesting problem but i am not sure how to fix it.

December 22, 2014 8:37 p.m.

By locking threads that havent had a response for a month.

December 23, 2014 11:48 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #30

Leaving the exception to be openend by admins or the person who created the thread.

Or by giving a warning to the user trying to post in an outdated thread.

December 23, 2014 12:46 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #31

Put it in the comment tutorial and reset the tutorial for whoever makes the first necropost.

December 23, 2014 1:08 p.m.

TheHroth says... #32

The problem is that usually people dont even look at the dates of the post or last comment.

December 23, 2014 11 p.m.

This discussion has been closed