TappedOut is back (obviously)
TappedOut forum
Posted on Feb. 16, 2014, 7:43 p.m. by Epochalyptik
We're still waiting on confirmation from yeaGO! about what caused the site to go down, but I suspect the winter storm led to a power outage. In any event, we're back in business.
My guess is a drunken stupor and a drink spilled on the server.
February 16, 2014 7:53 p.m.
Thank god. I never realized how dependant I was on this site. Paper and pencil sucks. LONG LIVE TAPPED OUT!!! But in All seriousness, thanks so much for the hard work getting it back in business.
February 16, 2014 8:04 p.m.
MAN is it good to be back. I've missed this site. None of the other deck building sites come close.
February 16, 2014 8:12 p.m.
Its good to be back on. I made an account on mtgdeckbuilder.net, but its not the same. I missed our community here on TO. :]
February 16, 2014 8:13 p.m.
julianjmoss says... #13
Thank you so much for keeping us updated on your Facebook page! Glad to have you back!
February 16, 2014 8:26 p.m.
Oh, was the site down? I didn't notice because I totally wasn't reloading the page every 15 minutes...cough cough...
It sure is good to be back though.
February 16, 2014 8:29 p.m.
Side note, despite lack of activity past half of the year, I didn't realize how frequently I visited this site. It fell of my frequently visited websites while it was down :(
February 16, 2014 8:34 p.m.
HOOOORAAAAY :DLet's deckcycle the sh*t out of our decks now!
February 16, 2014 8:34 p.m.
DrSteveBrule says... #19
I didn't realize how much I rely on this site until it went away.
How much money do I have to send your way to make this not happen again?
February 16, 2014 8:41 p.m.
Blizzicane says... #20
It only took my 20th refresh but its finally back! While Tappedout was gone I end up making a bunch of deck lists in notepad... THANK GOODNESS YOUR BACK! <33333333333 :3
February 16, 2014 8:45 p.m.
JimothyCrikkett says... #22
I'm happy TappedOut is back! I'd been waiting for a few days (I missed my ramp deck so </3), but at least the site's back online. :D
February 16, 2014 8:51 p.m.
Alright! Thank goodness. I'm gonna wait to deckcycle... I assume everyone (and their mothers) will be deckcycling right now.
February 16, 2014 8:52 p.m.
I didnt realise either, and i was super worried for FNM that passed while it was down haha
thanks for coming back :D
February 16, 2014 8:52 p.m.
pedrogsena says... #25
Yeah, we're back to business! (Punches the air like Pele after scoring a goal in soccer.)
February 16, 2014 8:55 p.m.
Thank you for all the hard work to keep the site going! Don't listen to the haters, you guys are awesome!
February 16, 2014 9:12 p.m.
gnarlicide says... #27
Thank you Tappedout Gods... For real so much stuff has happened since the site went down... I am going to have to write an article on it sometime later.
February 16, 2014 9:47 p.m.
NotSoLuckyLydia says... #28
My homepage is tappedout. It's pretty tough to see the ornithopters every day...
February 16, 2014 9:49 p.m.
KnightsBattlecry001 says... #30
Glad to be back. Never realized how much I rely on this site to build and test decks and whatnot until the site went down. Missed this place a lot.
February 16, 2014 10:17 p.m.
Sniffle Sniffle I... MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!! starts bawling
February 16, 2014 10:52 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #35
As was said a million different ways already, we are so happy you are back, Tappedout.
February 16, 2014 11:10 p.m.
"The Great Crash of 2014" as it will be known.........
Missed the community and Magic chat....
Welcome back Tappedout...... hope you had a great trip yeaGO!....
February 16, 2014 11:23 p.m.
OH THANK GOD YOU ARE BACK, I was going on withdraws!!!
February 16, 2014 11:23 p.m.
You never realize how much you need it until its gone! Hooray! We're back! I missed you guys.
February 17, 2014 12:59 a.m.
Now I can finally get back to efficiently wasting my life! :D
February 17, 2014 1:25 a.m.
I love you guys. I never wanted to admit it, but I love all of you so much.
February 17, 2014 2:52 a.m.
Hey folks, it's been 6 days since my last deckcycle and still it says I reached my deckcycling limit and doesn't allow me to do so :( Is anyone else going through the same issue?
February 17, 2014 3:46 a.m.
Magnvs everyone is having the same issue. This isn't the first time this has happened (and I doubt it'll be the last), just wait it out, they'll fix it eventually.
February 17, 2014 4:07 a.m.
NotSoLuckyLydia says... #45
smash10101, I think you mean it's Compleat. Hail to Phyrexia.
February 17, 2014 4:47 a.m.
PriestessKikyo1 says... #50
Seriously I felt like a black cloud was hanging over my head this last week. I didn't even feel like myself! When the screen actually loaded this morning I think my panties may have gotten a little damp, lol.
So it seems like we have a few small bugs going on. Like all new decks showing up as having a colorless colorpie. As well as people reporting (including me) being unable to deckcycle even though they haven't done so in at least five days.
Qivine says... #2
Thank the lord I can stalk decks again!
February 16, 2014 7:50 p.m.