The "Create List" option.
TappedOut forum
Posted on Sept. 24, 2014, 11:48 a.m. by SwampHippie
Are created lists persistent and if so where can they be found?
SwampHippie says... #3
By persistent I mean that I was beginning to believe that the lists were only temporary shopping list input. That conclusion came because a while ago I tried creating a list and it simply disappeared once I left the creation page... that and when I created a test list the other day it was buried underneath a bevy of prototype decks (I really need to clean those out).
Alas it was a silly question but thank you for saving me extra extra time and frustration ducttapedeckbox.
ducttapedeckbox says... #2
What do you mean by persistent?
They can be found if you click on the folder icon in the top right of your screen and scroll down below your decks. There's a section entitled "Lists" that has your created lists.
September 24, 2014 12:32 p.m.