Token use confirmation?
TappedOut forum
Posted on Dec. 21, 2016, 2:19 p.m. by Hardhitta7
Is there a confirmation when you click "Feature Queue"? I think I remember one but don't want to risk a token to find out.
I'm asking because I just accidently featured someone's deck I was trying to Upvote. I'm pretty sure there is a confirmation, so it might have been my phones fault.
Hardhitta7 says... #3
I thought so, thanks!
My phone must have skipped it or something.
December 21, 2016 3:09 p.m.
Hardhitta7 says... #5
It may. I never pay attention to it when I feature my own decks.
No big deal, I'll just be more careful. I can say I'm spreading Christmas cheer! Lmao
December 21, 2016 3:26 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #6
In that case, feel free to feature my decks to your heart's content
December 21, 2016 3:33 p.m.
BlueMageBrandon says... #7
I'm pretty sure you can check. Go to this link, or click on the person at the top and click features. I think this works but I'm not sure because I haven't featured anything recently.
December 21, 2016 4:13 p.m.
Hardhitta7 says... #8
Yeah that works, but I already knew I featured the deck. I just couldn't remember if there was supposed to be a confirmation that popped up to ask of you were sure. Thanks though!
I feel I've spread enough cheer for the year. Lol
Moonbar says... #2
There is. It says something like "Are you sure you want to spend a feature token? You have ___ tokens left"
December 21, 2016 3:06 p.m.