Trade Binder improvements
TappedOut forum
Posted on July 10, 2011, 2:25 p.m. by WhatTheBleep
I have fallen in love with the T/O Trade Binder feature. I maintain my list on a daily basis and truly appreciate it's functionality. Pat yourself on the back yeaGO!.
To tip it's greatness over the top, I wondering if three features could be added:
-Right now when you put some cards in either your Have or Want list it shows a list of matching binders to the right. I check out those binders only to have to search through and find which cards are the matches. It must already be possible to cross-reference the lists (otherwise the matched binders wouldn't show up in the first place), so why not list the cards? This could show up as a mouseover when you hover above the trade binder name and it should show up in a box on the top right of the other person's binder. Honestly, I think this feature alone would make T/O's trading activity explode.
-I'd love the ability to denote the cards I Want with a certain degree of "wantness". For example, "Low Want", "High Want", and just "Want". By default, all cards would be just "Want" and so it wouldn't effect trade binders that don't use the feature, but if I wanted to distinguish cards I could. Each card would have a small symbol next to it that showed its "wantness". I could also sort any Want list by "Wantness". But to really make this worthwhile, each user must have the ability to set the default sort method for their binder. Right now, it defaults to card type, which doesn't do much for me (and others, I presume).
-On the note of sorting, it would be great to be able to sort based on format. I know that there can be small database mistakes on T/O that list cards in the wrong set (and thus the wrong format), but overall, it would be worth it. I know people that are looking for just Standard cards; if they want to filter through my long list of non-Standard cards to find the few I do have, it can be quite a lot of work.
With great anticipation and appreciation,WhatTheBleep-
WhatTheBleep says... #2
I forgot to add that the "Wantness" of a card could be denoted by adding 1, 2, or 3 symbols after it's name (and set, foil). For example:
Torpor Orb [NPH] F ##
(assuming it would accept the formatting I used)
July 10, 2011 2:28 p.m.