What does T/O Rank Indicate
TappedOut forum
Posted on Nov. 19, 2015, 5:04 p.m. by Monsmtg
What does it indicate and how is it measured?
A lack of social life and a borderline obsession with talking about specific types of cardboard.
November 19, 2015 8:48 p.m.
Jimmy_Chinchila says... #7
ChiefBell this whole rank change and point reset thing is bullshit, pardon my language, and I've yet to hear any administrator explain it or inform us whether it will be resolved. I've put in time and effort to accumulate points and move up in rank, and it's something I take pride in. Now I've lost over 10,000 points, and my rank has been fluctuating ~20 spots a day, where as the last 4 months I move up a spot or 2 every couple days.
Now, I'm going backwards in rank by big chunks which really fucks my 9 month + goal of breaking the Top 100. When I did, I was gonna buy a T/O shirt and have "Top 100 User" and my username printed on back. Like, some people actually consider these things to be important. It gives me something to work towards and look forward to. Now I'm at 200 points despite having over 200 decks and over 260 card suggestions and multiple followers and almost always using my 3 deck cycles a day, as well as commenting/suggesting/up voting...like I did before...but yet I stay at 200 points and drop 20 ranks despite having never dropped since I started on this site?
Sorry to vent but this was something that was important to me, I'm sure I'm not alone, and took pride in and it feels like this out-of-the-blue change without any forewarning, explanation, or apology is just not acceptable. I get notices some users experiencing problems with AdWords or something like that, but no message of what the hell happened or why or whether it's permanent or a bug or what's being done to fix it.
I can tell you what, it feels like a huge kick in the junk to those of us who have invested time and effort in being an active member of the community, as it feels like it is all in vain. Epochalyptik, yeaGO, I don't know who admin is cuz it's not listed anywhere I've seen but you guys are always involved. This whole situation has been rather upsetting and the lack of communication is only worsening things. I think I speak for many regular users when I kindly request this matter be handled quickly and justly and conveyed to the users. Thank you for your time (though I would have much preferred to have spent my time making a deck or offering suggestions on other people's...)
Ps it's a solid business idea to silk screen top 100 users on a few hundred shirts and as a bonus besides getting to change your title you'll have the option to purchase one of those shirts. Better yet? For an additional fee you silk screen their username. I've suggested business ideas in the past and have someone's email but this is a community. I also encourage everyone I play with locally to use it, and all my friends and family get informed when I move up in rank so now they'll wonder why I'm not reporting my progress in breaking the top 100...
November 20, 2015 12:11 a.m.
thanks for the thoughtful response. i wanted to make the point system an accurate gauge for people's activities here. that said, the system reset accidentally but I actually got pretty curious about what would happen if I just let it be. when you say you are fluctuating 20~ a day I guess that makes sense because the whole system is at this point rebalancing.
November 20, 2015 12:58 a.m. Edited.
Jimmy_Chinchila - I agree with you to some extent. I wasn't exactly happy about it. But it was an accident and there's not much we can do.
November 20, 2015 1:18 a.m.
There's already been a fairly substantial thread about the point rest. I don't think inviting the conversation over here is really going to get much accomplished. You can find the thread here.
November 20, 2015 1:36 a.m.
Jimmy_Chinchila is it that hard? My profile says I'm #17.
November 20, 2015 7:19 a.m.
Well, I mean, you're only #17 atm because of the reset. I mean, I'm listed #89 and my browsing patterns haven't changed at all since the reset when I was at #94. This pretty much means you could break into the top 100 right now with maybe an hour or two of browsing TO a day right now. The users in the top 20 are generally here considerable amounts of time. I derp around here quite a bit, but the users in the top 20 had double my points. Just giving you some context here.
November 20, 2015 8:17 a.m.
I think it wasn't a completely bad thing, because for pretty much any user not around at the start of the website, it was almost impossible to break top 100. There's just a massive wage cough sorry I mean point gap between those who have been posting for 2-3 years more than the newer people. Perhaps instead of making it a 'top 100' thing we could make it more of a threshold type thing? Where there aren't 'ranks' persay any more, just titles (not like deckspert, down where the rank would be). Actually it would be more like status. So if you hit 10,000 or something you get the ability to change your title and stuff instead of top 100. Just a thought :) (I believe femme already made something like this, so all credit to her/him - whatever femme prefers)
November 20, 2015 10:02 a.m.
Jimmy_Chinchila says... #17
rorofat nowhere near impossible. I went from 5000 something to 124 in ~9 months. The lower I got the harder it was to move up and the less spots I'd drop each time, but it was consistent. I was about a month away from breaking Top 100.
November 20, 2015 1:28 p.m.
Yeah, but how active were you? The average magic player doesn't have a lot of time (imo) to spend on a site like this. Plus, I just think it's a good idea.
November 20, 2015 1:41 p.m.
Keep in mind that the higher you go, the larger the gaps between people are.
November 20, 2015 1:43 p.m.
FancyTuesday says... #20
I'm not super active here. I might post two or three times a week on average, and I check out for months at a time. I broke into the top 100 mostly by prowling the Rules Q&A section, answering questions when I could and taking every opportunity to correct TO card database errors.
Seriously, if you wanna change your title just go through your decks and open every card in a new tab, you're bound to find a few that are missing mana/tap symbols or missing a Gatherer link. I think I made the top 100 in 2 months just from adding missing links as I saw them pop up in Q&A.
November 21, 2015 12:10 a.m.
Hm fancy I forgot about the card database... That's probably a decent way to rank up :)
November 21, 2015 8:50 a.m.
Jimmy_Chinchila says... #22
So I got my points back, all 13,000 of them. And strangely I went to rank #10 which I surely don't deserve but will gladly accept.
I'm a smoker and I only take a 5 min lunch break so I get another 25 min throughout the day to go smoke. I usually just work on a new deck, but I make a point of checking out other people's decks and offering advice everyday, I usually upvote at least one deck a day, and I check forums about once a week. Sometimes I get all 3 deckcycles in, but often only one or two as I don't wanna push the same couple decks over and over and I've learned once a deck gets 2 votes it counts towards your avg deck rating so I don't really cycle my obscure brews. I write posts as I have questions, about once a month, and that's about the extent of my involvement. Not good at coding or rules so stay out of those realms, but try and support other users as I upvote creativity as well as power.
yeaGO, ChiefBell, rorofat,TheDevicer, FancyTuesday, Monsmtg
Either way, glad to see points are back and that there are numerous ways to move up in rank. I wasn't even ready to change my title, so many options!, and was worried I'd drop out of top 100. Hard to express what kind of Mage you are in a couple words lol, but I guess for some of us it's even hard to decide that in regards to deck choice for competition as well!
T/O is an awesome site and I'm proud to be a part of the friendliest competitive activity in history!
November 21, 2015 4:59 p.m.
my points are back but missing a few 0's haha. Really glad to back to 4th but I believe I was 3rd before? Whatever - super happy.
November 21, 2015 5:08 p.m.
I got some of my points back too, but I'm now 39th. What on Earth is going on? I'm guessing partial restore.
November 21, 2015 5:12 p.m.
FancyTuesday says... #25
Points went weird, not really "back" in the sense that they aren't the same they were but much higher than they were before. I was going to guess yeaGO did something that recalculated and added points based on the hard stats we can see, Cards Fixed and Good Card Suggestions, but ChiefBell kinda spoils that theory.
Current operating theory is that the long talked about "point deterioration" system kicked on and ate a bunch of points. That or ghosts.
Probably ghosts.
November 21, 2015 5:15 p.m. Edited.
I'm pretty happy that most of my points are back. I'm rank 28, which is a bit worse than my old 16, but I won't complain. It's interesting how certain peoples ranks have swapped; femme is now number 1.
ChiefBell says... #2
It indicates activity and is measured by your posts and other useful things you do around the site.
It doesn't really mean anything except how active you are around here.
November 19, 2015 5:06 p.m.