What feature would you most like to see tappedout add?
TappedOut forum
Posted on April 20, 2015, 12:11 p.m. by brcap
Personally, I'd love to see some form of card pricing appear in the hover-over card name popup. Similar to TCGplayer or mtggoldfish etc.
Anything you guys find yourself wishing for?
(I'm not a programmer, I ave no idea how hard this stuff is to implement, and I'm thankful this site is as well set-up as it is - this is just a wish list)
I'd want the ability to choose how many comments to show...
April 20, 2015 12:28 p.m.
MinscAndBoo says... #4
The ability to edit your comments and thread posts.
April 20, 2015 12:30 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #5
@Runlue: No. It's not even a programming thing; it's a legal thing.
April 20, 2015 12:30 p.m.
Epochalyptik Are you referring only to the mtg online off-brand sites like untap or Cockatrice (which are 100% illegal), or listing the pricing data as well?
April 20, 2015 12:37 p.m.
Sparda1127 says... #8
I also agree with the ability to edit comments and thread posts. Too many times have I messed up a comment or had a typo in a post and wanted to change it, but I couldn't.
However, you could just chalk it up to "You have a preview ability, use it." :P
April 20, 2015 12:45 p.m.
I wouldn't mind seeing Previous/Next Page buttons in threads the way the binders have them and/or possibly a Go To __ Page button. It can be a bit tedious to click page by page to get to a "middle" page in the longer threads.
April 20, 2015 12:46 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #10
@brcap: That post was specifically addressed to the person proposing PVP.
We don't do editing because we lack a PM system and want to be able to preserve exchanges if the need to investigate arises. So yes, it does at this time boil down to "use the preview screen."
April 20, 2015 1:28 p.m.
zyphermage says... #11
Yeah I would say ability to edit comments would be the best.
April 20, 2015 1:58 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #12
Feel free to propose reasons for an editing system. I don't think there's absolute opposition, but it seems problematic to implement because we do lack some of the features that might mitigate the risks.
April 20, 2015 2:06 p.m.
IvoryFrost says... #13
(I'm horrible at explaining things so I apologize!)
I would like to see a feature where I can move the decks I added to my folders around for reorganization on the Deck Folder page.
April 20, 2015 2:13 p.m.
The-Xellos says... #14
Report button
Upvote for posts (deck/forum comments and forum posts)
April 20, 2015 2:16 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #16
Function to be able to upload your custom sets to a database so that we can draft them.
April 20, 2015 3:26 p.m.
ThisIsBullshit says... #17
I don't think there's a need for an edit button, there's a preview button, and you have to use it lol so take an extra 10 seconds and read the comment lolol
April 20, 2015 4:47 p.m.
promotes idea for there to be a tutorial on coding due to the amount of people wanting to desperately pimp out their decks/walls etc.
gets shot down again
April 20, 2015 5:35 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #20
I really think the profile/wall thing should be turned into an official theme feature. Although I'm for a certain degree of user customization, there's a lot that can go wrong when people start intentionally working around the extant coding of the site. A polished theme system would remove a large amount of that risk.
Could even do basic themes for regular users and some awesome advanced themes for upgraded users.
April 20, 2015 5:38 p.m.
Oh, so it wasn't a TOTALLY bad idea. Ok cool. I'm with Epoch on this, that would be awesome!
April 20, 2015 5:39 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #22
I'm doing a tutorial Runlue. It'll be done by about the first week of May. You can see the progress on my profile.
After that I'll be working on a site wide tutorial.
April 20, 2015 6:05 p.m.
An edit feature where all past versions would be shown as tabs and JS whitelisting.
Epochalyptik, the reason you said you ruled out an edit feature is because of a hate post that, when reported, the poster turned into a helpful comment. If you could just click on a tab and see the original comment, then they couldn't do that. But at the same time, it would get rid of the "Oops, I made a typo" annoyance that is the main reason for an edit button.
Also, I'd like to see JS disabled except for a few whitelisted scripts. You could have a script submission page and have a board of the admins and anybody the admins trust that (scrotality comes to mind) that could add them to the whitelist and assign a code. We've had a lot of close calls (mostly CSS related, but it could get worse) where the home page changed because of the recent comments page and we don't need the person who posts virus links to make the home page a virus downloader. That would be really bad for the site.
April 20, 2015 6:29 p.m.
I rule in and out all features :P but yes, I don't like the thought of people mucking around with a discussion (besides me fixing my own typos like a hypocrit right now, haw haw).
Script whitelisting is definitely a feature I'd like to see discussed more. But you can't post virus links or anything else to get to the homepage, you could only do it on your own decks or wall, and I do monitor this.
April 20, 2015 6:33 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #25
There's nothing complicated about taking the five seconds in the post preview to proofread. I have no sympathy for chronic misspellers.
April 20, 2015 6:38 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #26
The problem with script whitelisting is that most of us use dropbox css files, meaning we can change them at will within a few seconds. What we would need is like a css box where we can submit our stuff in and then have it go through a submission process before it is accepted and that we can use. Sort of like the card submission tutorial, but in this case in a little description box on our profile settings. This would also prevent people from posting codes in places other than their profile.
April 20, 2015 6:41 p.m.
yep I was thinking an additional field where it would all be inserted.
April 20, 2015 7 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #28
I think that would be best, and then my tutorial would have most relevance.
Oh, and make it upgraded user only. That would help restrict things.
April 20, 2015 7:05 p.m.
was it digg.com that allowed you to edit comments for a few minutes only? that could be cool...
April 20, 2015 7:06 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #31
Maybe for 3 or fewer.
Also, it would be nice if we could move the new thread banner about the Q&A into the post preview screen and give people the option to post to the Q&A instead. I noticed that it seems to have no effect above the initial thread field on the forum page.
April 20, 2015 7:11 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #32
Of course, I'm going purely on the number of threads I've seen misplaced over the past month or so.
April 20, 2015 7:12 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #33
The few minutes only thing I could see. This would prevent people form editing and re-editing their post to some how get past the "original version of this post" sort of thing.
Also, I'm just going to re-re-re-suggest this here in hopes you get it filed:
The ability to input our own images into a card line (without having the system check whether that card name exists or not) when submitting our decks, cubes and trade stuff. This would allow us to stick in images of alters, alternate arts, promos, and our own custom sets without ever having to worry about our database.
April 20, 2015 7:13 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #37
Oh, and when you do the announcement for the alters, can you be sure to link to this?
April 20, 2015 7:45 p.m.
One suggestion that was brought up in the JC thread, I believe by Femme_Fatale, was for the forum threads to default to the last page of the thread after commenting instead of back to the first.
April 20, 2015 8:14 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #39
Piggybacking on that, I think I mentioned possibly having notifications open to the first unread comment.
April 20, 2015 8:29 p.m.
Or the last notification comment (for the people who don't read all of JC). Or the top of the page the last notification came from. Or the last page.
Maybe make it an changeable option.
April 20, 2015 8:45 p.m.
Didgeridooda says... #41
I would love to be able to turn those profiles that are too fancy off. Just see regular. As it is now, I just avoid the profiles done like that.
April 20, 2015 10:01 p.m.
ThisIsBullshit says... #42
Or to limit who can make fancy profiles to those who are more proficient at code.
April 20, 2015 10:03 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #43
Didgeridooda, what's your screen resolution in pixels?
April 20, 2015 10:03 p.m.
Didgeridooda says... #44
No idea. Takes too long to load, and many of the fonts I have seen take maneuvering to read. I just want to see it in the regular style, but let people pretty them up if they want.
April 20, 2015 10:05 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #45
Just had to edit a user's profile because he has a script to redirect all links to his profile page.
Yeah, there need to be limits on this.
April 20, 2015 10:09 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #46
The fonts is because people are animating them Didgeridooda. I'm actively trying to get people to stop with any animations and learn how to zip their files. I'll probably be zipping all of my images too.
You can find out your screen resolution by asking google.
April 20, 2015 10:11 p.m.
ThisIsBullshit says... #47
It's not just the fonts. It's the backgrounds and the different colors and styles.
April 20, 2015 10:12 p.m.
I feel like I've done something wrong now that you guys are talking about this. Haha
April 20, 2015 10:14 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #49
I think it'd be the images. Maybe the transparency. Didgeridooda, how long does it take my profile to load? Is there any massive stuttering and if so, in which locations?
April 20, 2015 10:14 p.m.
Didgeridooda says... #50
It is the profiles, and the colors used on the words on them. The usernames are fine. Just hard to read, some of the profiles are too bright. I just want to be able to read them without having to scroll up, and down to find the "sweet" spot that will allow me to read the words.
Runlue says... #2
This is waaaaaay far-fetched (SHOUTOUT TO THE POKEMON HAHAH I'm sorry), but I would LOOOVE to see a thing like untap or Cockatrice type play-thing on this site. That would probably take a million years to finish, but that would be legit. Just sayin'.
April 20, 2015 12:19 p.m.