Which Formats Do You Play and Why?
TappedOut forum
Posted on Dec. 16, 2017, 11:10 p.m. by StardustDragon11
The title more or less says it all.
Here are my guesses to why people play certain formats.
Standard) By far the most prominent format that you can walk into any shop in the world and get a game in.
Frontier) You are just too edgy to play Modern.
Modern) You are just too edgy to play Legacy.
Legacy) You don't want to sully yourself by cavorting with the peasants.
Limited) You are just too edgy to play constructed.
EDH) You enjoy laughing and having fun times with your friends OR you are the most toxic try hard Spike in the world.
What do you think?
StardustDragon11 says... #3
Well your sincerity is about spot on if I were to be sincere about my guesses. I was playing it for laughs but I think you are correct in your assessments.
December 16, 2017 11:26 p.m.
I play modern but pretty casually... I enjoy the large cardpool with room to explore with competitive brews or fun janky stuff... Only reason I don't do legacy is because that kind of competitive isn't in my budget and honestly have a general disdain for when my boarders don't match... I tend to avoid 9th and 8th edition cards just because of the white boarders.
December 16, 2017 11:35 p.m.
Modern and a bit of standard.
Because to me it's the formats I feel are the most simple for me to express a decently well-designed deck, but are also the ones I don't feel completely overwhelmed in. Though modern definitely can be... frustrating, for sure.
December 16, 2017 11:52 p.m.
Atroxreaper says... #6
Standard because I enjoy deck building and tweaking and playing competitive.
December 17, 2017 12:38 a.m.
NapoleonBonaparte says... #7
I play Standard because I switch decks often and I enjoy competitive play.
I have legacy on MTGO because I'm too poor to afford it in paper. But I would 100% have a paper legacy deck if legacy was financially more accessible.
I play EDH to get my lols out of the way. It's nice to relax and not worry about winning and play cards I don't play anywhere else. I actually think EDH is the best format in MTG currently do to its easy accessibility, diversity, financial stability, and it appeals to casual and competitive players alike!
Note: I use to play modern religiously but currently I am unhappy with the format so I'm not playing it. This is no offense to those who love the current state of modern.
December 17, 2017 12:45 a.m.
EDH: I am an old-fogey with kids. I don't have the time for visits to LGS, don't have time to devote to the community, have a group of regulars, between 4-8 players and the multiplayer is great in that format. Also love big, splashy spells. I will usually start a couple of casual deck tests and then play a "spite deck" like Sisay-stax if the games leave a bitter taste. Also, I just like the concept of no duplicate cards.
December 17, 2017 1:03 a.m.
Rabid_Wombat says... #9
EDH: I am an old-fogey with Revised Duals. I started playing Commander as a try hard Spike but since then I sold all of my competitive decks (Kaalia, Slivers, Prossh etc..) and now just play Casual (Dragon Tribal, Cycling Zur, Chaos etc...) and am really enjoying the format with my homies :D
December 17, 2017 2:21 a.m.
I have played every format available, from Old-schoold to Standard.
I mostly play Limited now - get a cube done, play limited forever for mostly free. And Drafts and Prereleases of new sets for sure.
Otherwise, I get the occassional game of EDH or Modern in.
Legacy is my favorite format, but where I live there are a total of 1-2 tournaments a year so it is no-go for me.
The most competitive thing I play now is Canadian Highlander - which is a cool mix of Cube and Constructed and right up my alley.
December 17, 2017 4:37 a.m.
I play limited, as I like that its not the same each week. I can build g/x one week and r/w the next.
I also play EDH. I love the multi-player formats, and this is the only one with a strong following. I also like that its not the same thing each week. I am trying to build a deck for each color combination, currently at 26 out of 32 (6 more to go). My vast collection of cards and trading from limited games (thanks to master sets, and master pieces) has let me develop decks that are at least good at casual. My deck building is not usually normal for each commander, as I dont want the same deck as every one else. Like my Ramos deck has all 5 experience commanders in it. Or my Saskia deck is a big butts deck (nothing with power bigger than toughness). Although these themes usually make the deck less powerful, they can still win games and fun to play.
But I have played type 1, type 1.5, type 2, standard, two headed giant, planechase, and modern in the past. Planechase with commander is fun in 4 player pods - just have to find 3 others who want to play.
December 17, 2017 7:43 a.m. Edited.
I play Modern and EDH. I like formats that don't rotate or fluctuate wildly. I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh and, while I enjoyed it, I didn't enjoy having to build completely new decks every so often that cost an arm and a leg.
Furthermore, I like that in Modern the prices of my cards will stay relatively the same, so I can sell out of a deck if I stop enjoying it. And I like that in EDH, I only need one copy of a card to throw a deck together, and that it's really enjoyable.
Having said all of that, I've built two Frontier decks because the format is basically a Modern where previous Standards go to enjoy it's retirement.
JohnnyBaggins says... #2
I'd like to match your guesses in a little more sincere way.
Standard) You enjoy competetive formats that require deckbuilding on a weekly basis, but allow you to expore.
Frontier) You enjoy larger card pools, but modern is really expensive and you've played Standard for a while now and selling off your cards in time has been a theory you dind't strictly follow. Also, you enjoy casting Jace, Vryn's Prodigy in a format that doesn't have Bolt.
Modern) You like to have huge cardpools and vastly different strategies in a format that's not actually dead.
Legacy) You want the best of the best and you're willing to pay for it. You're also probably pretty good at Magic.
Limited) You enjoy a new challenge every tournament your step and you're willing to beat your opponent with a 2/3 that costs 2R, if that's what it takes. You're also more interested in spending $1500 over a longer time rather than spend it once to have a really good deck in an eternal format.
EDH) You either don't care about winning or you really do. You don't like the idea of playsets and you don't mind if every now and then, you're just not relevant as to how a game ends.
I, personally, am Limited only. I like the challenge it poses, it asks you to be creative with every pack you open, reading your neighbours in Draft is the best thing you can do in Magic, for me. I don't need Mythic Rares to make you look like an idiot, but I'll still be very salty if a Mythic Rare Bomb makes me look like my deck just sucks.
December 16, 2017 11:21 p.m.