Why is the actstream-sign always red?
TappedOut forum
Posted on June 24, 2012, 6:14 p.m. by Crivaro
Hey, I've got a problem. Since the new header (which is always in the picture) my actstream sign (the pie next to the deckbox) is always red, regardless if there are any news or not. Is this a bug or have I missed something?
IDK same here tho. Kind of annoying tho cuz i keep checking it and of course there is never anything new lol.
June 24, 2012 7:27 p.m.
It's a bug that's been mentioned in the forum a couple of times. They'll fix it eventually, no worries. :)
June 24, 2012 7:44 p.m.
It is annoying for me as well, kinda like linking your phone to your email and getting notified whenever spam is sent to it. (maybe not bad, but it's the best example I could think of...)
O.o I just had an epic idea... could it be possible for tappedout to be linked to my phone, and ring when something happens on it?! And if this is already possible, how do I get in on it?!
2austin5 says... #2
I don't know but Im not a fan of it either
June 24, 2012 6:49 p.m.