Why? Just...Why?
TappedOut forum
Posted on Sept. 27, 2014, 3:18 p.m. by 8vomit
So I am finally working on updating my binder. I got about 1/3 of the way through, and I had to take a break. The reason of this post is as follows:
Why, when saving the binder, does the site give you your typos 1 at a time, instead of all at once? Is that something that could happen? I and many others would appreciate it, im sure. yeaGO, Epochalyptik, not sure who to actually ask about it.
For real, flipping out because I just want to save and move on with my life. Its way too tedious.
Thanks for looking!
Oh snap! hadn't even considered that! ill keep that in mind next time. Lol
As if its that easy.
September 27, 2014 3:57 p.m.
Lol... The admin admits, that the site is bad....
And yea, I agree 100% with 8vomit. It should not only inform you, that one card is spelled wrong. It should point all of them out at once :D
September 27, 2014 4:23 p.m.
CrazyLittleGuy says... #10
@8vomit "As if its that easy."
It is that easy. I can 100% guarantee that if you're more careful when typing, there will be less typos. Or, you could use the new inventory screen to add your cards. Either way, it's going to take a while; updating my binder took a couple of days. That's just because of the volume of cards you have though.
Also, is it really that big of a deal that it gives you your typos one at a time? I mean, the only added step is that now you have to click "Save Binder" a few more times.
September 27, 2014 4:39 p.m.
CrazyLittleGuy you're one of those guys, im not, im sorry. And when Im spending 45 minutes just trying to save my binder, it is a big deal. too little time in the day for that shit.
September 27, 2014 4:53 p.m.
If I recall it actually used to give you all typos at once. Dunno when it changed, my binder's been stagnant for a while.
September 27, 2014 6:03 p.m.
oh fine I'll include this in the next site update.
cough cough binders and inventory get way more awesome next update. :P
September 27, 2014 9:42 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #15
I've had this on my "things yeago should implement" list on my profile for a while now. I have a feeling that he doesn't check that/doesn't know that it even exists/doesn't acknowledge it because what I suggest takes a lot of work that doesn't really matter too much. Also, it shouldn't just be limited to binders, it should also be in comments and deck lists.
notamardybum says... #2
try doing that shit on a phone...
September 27, 2014 3:22 p.m.