Working with HTML
TappedOut forum
Posted on April 9, 2015, 3:34 a.m. by enpc
So recently I have been looking into adding a bunch of HTML into deck decriptions, comments, etc to make things look much prettier.
I can do basic things inserting headings, as well as using the html listed in the markdown syntax and page jumps, but I am running into an issue with formatting.
in the deck description section, I am using the following code:
(div "style=color:black; border:1px solid black; border-radius:8px;")
(p)text goes here(/p)
but this just produces unformatted text. I can't seem to figure out what I'm missing here. I have had a play on w3schools and everything I want it to do works fine there, but it won't work here. I've also tried wrapping the whole thing in:
but that didn't work either.
Any assistance would be great, thanks in advance.
Epochalyptik says... #3
The first quotation mark needs to come after the = sign.
April 9, 2015 3:50 a.m.
Well that's embarrassing. Yeah, that seemed to fix it. Cheers.
April 9, 2015 4:08 a.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #5
Borders huh. Borders are a little weird. If you look at any of the updates in my decks, you'll notice that I use borders. This is the average code I use in my updates.
April 9, 2015 4:09 a.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #6
oh. It was already answered. I should remember to refresh the page.
April 9, 2015 4:09 a.m.
Just one other question about the HTML stuff - is it possible to define an internal CSS for the description?
so something along the lines of:<head>
p1 color:red
p2 color:blue
<p1>This text is red</p1>
<p2>And this text is blue</p2>
This way I can set up a large chunk of text in the description and don't have to go about inserting formatting for each paragraph.
April 9, 2015 7:51 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #8
I'm unsure about that, and generally would refrain from using css until you get to doing things that can't be done through html.
And how the hell do you get that pre code to work!?
April 9, 2015 7:59 p.m.
I used:
and then fed the code body through a converter (found here) and stuck that between the code tags.
yeaGO says... #2
use another site like and paste literally what you have and a link to an example if its relevant
April 9, 2015 3:43 a.m.