The Trading Post MTG Forum
W: control cards. H: Binder. (Closed)
H [[scavenging ooze]] promo, (Closed)
x3 Thoughtseize - UK (Closed)
W:2 shocks lands H: snapcaster (Closed)
Free shocklands! (Closed)
W: JUST 1x Phyrexian Obliterator (Closed)
W: 1x Kalonian Hydra (Closed)
H: 2x Voice of Resurgence (Closed)
W: Slivers H: Standard stuff (Closed)
WANT: Fiendslayer Paladins (Closed)
Just got another Kalonian Hydra (Closed)
Anyone Interested in Living End? (Closed)
Looking for a couple new Garruks (Closed)
Angels: I want them (Closed)
Restoration angels everywhere (Closed)
W: reanimation H: Binder (Closed)
Looking For Full-Art Textless Promos (Closed)
H: Modern Stuff W: Modern Stuff (Closed)
W:Shocks (Closed)
Timetwister for trade (Closed)
W: Shocklands (Closed)
Sales lot #2 (Closed)
W:4 blood crypts (Closed)
Foil Kalonian Hydra for trade (Closed)
I has need Snapcasters :P (Closed)
N: Shocks, Azorius Control Pieces (Closed)
W: Shocklands (Closed)
H:playlet of Jace, Aot (Closed)
W: Hallowed Fountain (Closed)
W: M14 goodies (Closed)
Trade Binder Updated (Closed)
H: mirroden swords for trade (Closed)
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