The Trading Post MTG Forum
Check out my binder (Closed)
Good trade? (Closed)
Need Venser (Closed)
Ebay listing (Closed)
looking for geist of saint traft :) (Closed)
Sorry (Closed)
Will Trade for Goat Tokens! (Closed)
Looking for Snapcaster (Closed)
Looking for (Closed)
international trader (Closed)
Vexing Devil (Closed)
Wants (Closed)
It that betrays (Closed)
Could really use 2x Sun Titan (Closed)
Tons of New Cards! (Closed)
Bunch Of Wants (Closed)
Building delver deck please help... (Closed)
Just got my binder back (Closed)
Looking for these: (Closed)
Looking for Predator Oozes (Closed)
W: Jace, The Mind Sculptor (Closed)
W: Primeval Titan (Closed)
W: Entreat the Angels (Closed)
Looking for Huntmasters (Closed)
Planeswalkers and Dual lands (Closed)
Mutavault (Closed)
In Desperate Need of Snappy (Closed)
Price on Japanese Bonfire? (Closed)
Buy, Sell and Trade (Closed)
Any1 know the prices of..? (Closed)
W: Bonfire, Silverheart, Huntmaster (Closed)
H:1Tamiyo, 2Temporal, 2Entreat. (Closed)
W: 2x Geist of Saint Traft (Closed)
Buy, Sell and Trade (Closed)
Binder update: added $380 (Closed)
Trying to finish a delver deck (Closed)
W: Grave titanx4 H:standard staples (Closed)
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