The Trading Post MTG Forum
Looking for cards (Closed)
Premium Deck Series: Graveborn (Closed)
wants (Closed)
Need [[Sword of Feast and Famine]] (Closed)
Sorin for Trade (Closed)
Trading [[Grimgrin, Corpse-Born]] (Closed)
Want Primeval Titans (Closed)
Binder won't sync in foil basic land (Closed)
back to trading (Closed)
Looking for new Sorin (Closed)
Thrun, the Last Troll (Closed)
New cards/ New trades (Closed)
Updated binder WOO (Closed)
Geth, Lord of the Vault (Closed)
Players Guides and Spindown Counters (Closed)
NEED [[Seachrome Coast]] (Closed)
Need Some Lands (Closed)
eBay Auction (Closed)
Any Sun Titans out there? (Closed)
I need Liliana of the Veil (Closed)
Binder Update (Closed)
Got some stuff, Need some stuff (Closed)
Anyone trading Havengul Lich? (Closed)
Need U/W cards (Closed)
wanting a lilianf of the veil (Closed)
Updated (Closed)
i need r/b vamp stuff (Closed)
Binder Update (Closed)
Need mono red cards (Closed)
Want some Night of Souls' Betrayal (Closed)
Looking for some foil C/UCs (Closed)
Traders: LF BUG EDH staples (Closed)
I need a Geist of St Traft (Closed)
cards I need for a new deck (Closed)
Anyone have Sarkhan? (Closed)
*UPDATE* Mainly Need Geists! (Closed)
Need swords and dual lands (Closed)
Updated Binder W/ Excel document! (Closed)
Snapcasters + grixis lands please!! (Closed)
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