The Trading Post MTG Forum
I need isolated chapels (Closed)
Need Chandra's Phoenix (Closed)
Need Chandra's Phoenix (Closed)
Need cards to complete deck (Closed)
Champion's? (Closed)
I need 4x Hero of Bladehold (Closed)
If you got It I want it! (Closed)
Updated Binder W/ Excel document! (Closed)
Mox Opal and Inkmoth (Closed)
stuff i need (Closed)
I need Batterskull's (Closed)
Just added a ton of cards (Closed)
Topic: Wts/selling modo/mtgo/mo tix (Closed)
New member, just added binder. (Closed)
MTGO Trading for Tix (Closed)
Liliana of the Veil? (Closed)
Good people to trade with (Closed)
Updating binder (Closed)
Sulfur Falls (Closed)
must get inkmoths!!!! (Closed)
vampire deck for trade (Closed)
Buying/Selling (Closed)
I need the cards in my wants (Closed)
Looking For A Trader (Closed)
Snapcaster now for trade (Closed)
Heartless demons (Closed)
Extremely Need!!! (Closed)
Who has Koth? (Closed)
Foils for trade (Closed)
I want to make the Horde Deck (Closed)
Need these before Christmas!!!! (Closed)
Need 3 moorland haunts!! (Closed)
Master of Etherium (Closed)
Foil EDH Generals (Closed)
Need FOIL Planeswalkers (Closed)
Wanted, definitely alive (Closed)
A different sort of trade. (Closed)
Need Blightsteel and Amulet's! (Closed)
Cards for trade (Closed)
Garruk Primal hunter for trade (Closed)
2 phyrexian obliterators pwez :( (Closed)
WTT Geist for Sphinx (Closed)
Pimping out a deck... (Closed)
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