The Trading Post MTG Forum
Help me with my illusions!! (Closed)
How does this section work? (Closed)
wurmcoil, simulacrum, and others (Closed)
Need Snapcaster and MORE! (Closed)
etched champs needed (Closed)
Need reanimator toys. (Closed)
standard cards i need (Closed)
Need white cards (Closed)
Need 2 Tinker's! (Closed)
FTV: Relics (From The Vault) (Closed)
In need of two Obliterators! (Closed)
Etched Monstrosity (Closed)
My Haves/Wants List (Closed)
Check the wants. updated (Closed)
Looking for Consecrated Sphinx (Closed)
Need werewolf stuff (Closed)
Need werewolf stuff (Closed)
Phantasmal Image (Closed)
liliana of the veil (Closed)
Trading EDH stuff (Closed)
Some new cards (Closed)
i got a fat pack (Closed)
I know i post a lot. (Closed)
Need some blue/white lands (Closed)
Have Geist of Saint Traft (Closed)
Deck needs (Closed)
Mirran crusader and Angelic Overseer (Closed)
Need a Venser (Closed)
updated binder (again) (Closed)
My wants list (Closed)
Updated (Closed)
Angelic overseer and Mirran Crusader (Closed)
Wolf Run Cards and Heros PLEASE (Closed)
Binder update! Got some good stuff! (Closed)
have a snapcaster (Closed)
Making a Modern Deck (Closed)
updated binder (Closed)
trading (Closed)
Still Need Obliterator (Closed)
Updated Binder (Closed)
batterskull! (Closed)
NEW CARDS (Closed)
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