The Trading Post forum
Posted on Sept. 24, 2012, 11:34 a.m. by dimreality6313
I have been on TappedOut for 2 years now and have enjoyed every minute. The community is AWESOME, the site is the best MTG resource I have encountered and, overall, it has made me a better MTG player. I have been playing for around 10 years total, off and on, throughout my life and have acquired thousands of cards. Alas, the time has come for me to say goodbye to the world of Magic the Gathering and I want my cards to find a good home where they will be used for drafts or cubes and made into new, awesome decks. I imagine some person heavy into the EDH circuit to be interested in my collection as well as Modern players and cube-makers.
I have updated my binder with all cards worth over $1 retail and listed off a few foils for a reference on card value. You can see my binder here --
Please leave a comment with any questions and e-mail me if interested. The price IS negotiable. Thanks for your time!