Boxes of RTR opened!

The Trading Post forum

Posted on Oct. 25, 2012, 11:39 p.m. by rckclimber777

I just finished opening 2 full boxes of RTR. I have several of the better cards including the new Jace, Vraska, Abrupt Decay , Dreadbore , 2x Lotleth Troll , 2x Supreme Verdict , Detention Sphere , 2x Loxodon Smiter , 2x card:Sphinx's Revelation and many more.

Looking for shock lands mainly. Hallowed Fountain above the others.

villefan666 says... #2

I have a Hallowed Fountain, and I do want to trade for both of your Loxodon Smiters. What else would you trade for it?

October 26, 2012 9:25 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #3

hmmm.....well you're free to check the rest of my binder, I really don't know what you're looking for. but they are definitely up for trade. If you're looking to pick up loxodon smiter, don't know if you need sunpetal grove, but I do have one up for trade as well.

Or if you have a lotleth troll you're willing to part with I could do both smiters for one of those.

October 26, 2012 9:46 p.m.

villefan666 says... #4

I do have one. It's only a Cpl dollars short but I need the loxodons so its cool :)

October 26, 2012 11:23 p.m.

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