H: EDH cards, Lorwyn block, A LOT! W: B/R Reanimator stuff &tc!
The Trading Post forum
Posted on May 24, 2017, 7:45 p.m. by abby315
Hey! Just loaded my trade stuff on here for the first time, inviting you to check it out! I have a ton of EDH staples, lots of Lorwyn block and Future Sight goodies, etc!
I'm looking to build B/R Reanimator in Legacy so I'm especially looking for Reanimates, Entombs (EMA preferred), Animate Deads, etc. But I also collect Invocations and Bloodbraid Elfs, and rare lands. So feel free to point me towards your binder if you're interested in something!
Highlights of collection:
2 Tarmogoyf, 1 Liliana of the Veil, a billion Tarfire, Gleeful Sabotage , Gutteral Response etc, Glimpse the Unthinkable ,a Japanese Mana Reflection...
Enable chat or reply here/on binder with interests! :)
rockleemyhero says... #2
Hey there! I'm interested in your HP Aura Shards. Feel free to take a look at my binder and see if i have anything of interest. here
May 24, 2017 9:26 p.m.