H: F Scavenging ooze (Not promo), Shocks, W: Promo Ogre battledriver, Stomping grounds
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Aug. 12, 2013, 9:31 p.m. by Goldbloodedsf
help a brothaa out pleeeeeeze
Goldbloodedsf says... #3
sounds good dude! Ill definitely trade for them. Only need 2 tho. It wont let me see your binder (404 error) but look at mine and see if theres anything you like
August 17, 2013 4:44 p.m.
Hayato4ever says... #4
Hey my bad, they're short staffed at work and I got stuck on 2 on calls in a row. I'm interested in the sacred foundries and temple gardens. I'm new to tapped out so that's probably why you cannot see my trade binder. Trying my hand at standard from casual environment.
Hayato4ever says... #2
I have 10 of the promo Ogre Battledriver among other things. Definitely interested in the shocks =D
August 17, 2013 2:24 a.m.