H: Grim Flayer. W: R/G energy
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Jan. 20, 2017, 2:14 p.m. by Khanye
not a whole lot going on, but I have a few cards up for trade.
Let me know if anybody interested
would you guys want to do a 3 way trade? I need a flayer. SParky has what OP wants and I have a few things that sparky wants I believe I would just need to look for them such cards include anafenza the foremost a panharmonicon and a woodfall primus
January 21, 2017 12:26 p.m.
EmblemMan- I have the cards you listed, but I could be interested. Do you still have the Path to Exile and/or the Temple Garden?
Let's see...I have x3 Cinder Glade, a Game Trail, an Electrostatic Pummeler, a playset of Servant of the Conduit, a few Attune with Aether, a few Larger Than Life, 4x Blossoming Defense, 2-3x Uncaged Fury, a Voltaic Brawler, a few Clip Wings and Appetite for the Unnatural, a playset of Galvanic Bombardment, a Longtusk Cub, and a few Natural State. I'm just kinda hoping that comes out to equal a path and a garden, haha.
January 23, 2017 12:33 a.m.
Well I would have a path but the one i was trading for was lost in the mail so no I do not have a path or the temple gardn my binder is pretty outdated honestly. Anything else you are looking for?
January 23, 2017 3:01 a.m.
hey guys, just circling back. are we still on for this? would like to get rid of the Grim Flayer this week if possible.
January 27, 2017 11:15 a.m.
Im still down but sparky isnt really replyig ill probly just buy my flayer
January 27, 2017 11:30 a.m.
maybe ill just look through your binder, and find stuff for my other decks
Sparky41 says... #2
I have a ton of the deck you're looking for, but is there any chance you have any value cards aside from the flayer?
January 21, 2017 12:28 a.m.