H: History of Benalia, W: Things
The Trading Post forum
Posted on July 23, 2018, 9:16 a.m. by saj0219
Hello! I just pulled a History of Benalia that I have no use for. I'm looking to send it along to someone who can use it. I'd be happy to look through binders, but here are some standard cards I'm interested in:
- Tezzeret, Artifice Master
- Chandra, Torch of Defiance
- Torrential Gearhulk
- Mox Amber
- Search for Azcanta Flip
- Paradox Engine
Some (most) of those slightly outclass History at present, but I'm happy to toss in filler as needed, trade for non-rotating cards, or just look through binders for goodies. So, if you're looking for a History of Benalia, let me know!