H: Modern Goblins, Olivia EDH, $$$ W: Affinity and Merfolk mostly.

The Trading Post forum

Posted on April 26, 2017, 11:49 p.m. by Vergil_Redgrail

Hello everybody. I'm finally deciding to try and finish the monumentally expensive task of completing my Affinity deck, and possibly getting some things for Modern Merfolk as well. Aside from the listed Haves, I've got a Saheeli Rai and 4x Torrential Gearhulk. You should be able to find the Olivia deck on my profile, and the Goblin deck has 4x Goblin Guide (ZEN), 4x Warren Instigator, 2x Krenko, Mob Boss, 4x Goblin Chieftain and a few Goblin King, for most of the notable pieces. For Affinity, I'm looking for 3x Arcbound Ravager, prefer Modern Masters, and maybe Kaladesh Invention if you have one you want to get rid of, 4x Mox Opal, 2x Steel Overseer.

For Merfolk, I'm pretty much looking for anything at this point.

Olivia EDH list

There is also a Basilisk Collar in there as well. I just don't recall what I took out for it.

April 26, 2017 11:51 p.m.

SamCre1993 says... #3

I have three modern master (33 each) arcbound ravagers I would be willing to trade. I would be interested in your blood crypt 50(if expedition) as well as 2 torrential gearhulks (12.50 each) and avacyn angel of hope (25). I got the prices off of what was cheapest on tcgplayer. let me know if we can work something out!

April 27, 2017 1:09 a.m.

Blood Crypt is RTR. The Gearhulks are fine, but I don't know about the avacyn. It wasn't one of the things I listed, because it's in a deck I don't particularly want to trade from, but I'm also fouling it so I need a Foil Avacyn anyway. Even so, that's still only $50 total which isn't even 2 Ravager. I've got a Keranos EDH I haven't put up here yet, though I don't know if there's anything in there you'll want.

April 27, 2017 7:56 a.m.

I have now purchased what I needed for Affinity. Somehow saved $60 too, and that's after Tax!

I will update my binder later to reflect what is not for general trading purposes. Still at least partially interested in Merfolk, and I will update what I need, since my math works out to missing about 7 cards from my deck and I don't know what those are.

April 27, 2017 2:29 p.m.

SamCre1993 says... #6

That sounds like a good deal!

I would still be interested in the T-hulks, so let me know what you need once you reevalute what you've got so far!

April 27, 2017 10:59 p.m.

abby315 says... #7

I've got 4x Silvergill Adept and 1x Merrow Reejerey, all LP, which I'd value at a total of ~$12. I've poked through your binder and didn't see anything that immediately caught my eye, but if you're interested in the above let me know and I'm sure I can pick out some things!

May 11, 2017 10:53 p.m.

No, I don't need this stuff anymore, but thanks. Currently building Legacy Burn.

May 12, 2017 9:33 a.m.

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