H: Pack Fresh EDH/Modern/Legacy & More foils! W: Cash or trades!
The Trading Post forum
Posted on May 24, 2017, 8:25 p.m. by Poptartz95
I currently am selling or trading (depending on what you have that catches my interest) the following cards.
Karakas < Eternal Masters
Damnation < MM Print
Sylvan Library < MM Print
Wasteland < Eternal Masters
Polluted Delta x4 < Khans Print
Wrath of God < Full art promo
Mystical Tutor x2 < Eternal Masters
Verdant Catacombs < MM Print
Marsh Flats < MM Print
Arid Mesa < MM Print
I have much more in my binder but these are cards I would like to get rid of!
Currently cards I am seeking are the following. Open to other trades of course these are just the cards I want BADLY!
Bayou MP is fine, only looking for a revised edition.
Liliana of the Veil < Pro Tour Promo
Avacyn, Angel of Hope < Russian NM. Will buy!
Emeria Angel < WPN Promo
Azusa, Lost but Seeking < Judge Promo
rockleemyhero says... #4
Yes i do, however i didnt see anything in your binder that i wanted for it. It's pretty much exclusively reserved for a trade involving a blue ABUR land
May 25, 2017 1:19 a.m.
dukersassin says... #6
Will trade a Lightning Greaves for your Death's Shadow, Fatal Push, Collective Brutality, or the foil Swords to Plowshares. Sorry, only the Swords to Plowshares trade is probably legit tho
rockleemyhero says... #2
Hey dude! I'm interested in a trade for the Marsh Flats!
May 24, 2017 9:23 p.m. Edited.