H: promo Fatal Push W: to not have Fatal Push
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Sept. 2, 2017, 2:48 p.m. by mazrimtaim
I got one of the promo Fatal Push es at FNM last night and am trying to trade it away for stuff in my wants list in my binder From what I have seen it is selling for about $25.
mazrimtaim says... #3
I was using ebay since when I last checked there wasn't anywhere else selling it and it was all between 20 and 25. I also think that the $9 price tag doesnt reflect the actual price on starving since they are all sold out at that price allowing others to bring the price up.
September 2, 2017 3:48 p.m.
Oloro_Magic says... #4
Well if you get no offers in the coming days let me know as I personally don't see it rising above $15.
September 2, 2017 3:51 p.m.
Good promos are usually just under the foil price for the regular (see Path to Exile or Aether Hub) or even more expensive than the regular foil if the art is a fan favorite (see Eternal Witness or the WPN path). I'd err on the side of path, but that puts the promo at like $25. I'd say $20 is absolute lowest. There's NO way it'll ever be worth $9, the SCG listing was never filled and likely a mistake.
That being said, it'll probably be hard to find interest while people can still just go win it. It'll be a good one to hang on to if you think you'll be in magic for a couple more years.
Oloro_Magic says... #2
Can I ask where you are getting that price? The only major store I have found with it listed has the price at $9 (as per starcitygames). I'm interested in it but if you are trying to get $25 in value from it then there is nothing I can do.
September 2, 2017 3:45 p.m.