H: ZEN Arid Mesa, Flooded Strand, binder. W: Scalding Tarn, binder
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Nov. 28, 2017, 10:20 a.m. by Pieguy396
Hello! I am looking to trade my ZEN Arid Mesa and KTK Flooded Strand (plus $5 of value) for a MM3 Scalding Tarn. I also have a binder with more of my haves and wants, and am happy to negotiate. Thanks in advance!
zetsupower says... #4
Hello, so as my profile probably shows I have never done a trade using tappedout before, but I own a scalding tarn that I would be willing to trade, I have yet to create a binder, but if there's anything else in specific that you're looking for I need a scroll rack as well
December 3, 2017 10:29 p.m.
@zetsupower Welcome to TappedOut trading! Unfortunately, I've already accepted an offer for my Arid Mesa, though if there's anything else in my binder that you'd like, I'm definitely still interested in the Tarn!
Zemo says... #2
Hello people!
November 29, 2017 3:15 p.m.