Have a playset of Misthollow Griffin
The Trading Post forum
Posted on May 14, 2013, 2:11 p.m. by Schuesseled
I'm looking to get rid of these guys, which i bought then changed my mind about, anyone after these little birdies?
Schuesseled says... #3
I got them for the same reason, but honestly unless you are running Heartless Summoning or a ton of ramp, your just never gonna play them.
So i replaced them with some more mill cards.
in my Self-Mill Maniac deck
vampirelazarus says... #2
Actually, I know a guy who used them with a Worldfire deck, and he did pretty well with it....
And, I do think they are pretty cool, I mean c'mon, you can cast them from exile.
Seriously, from exile. No strings attached, no joking around.
Basically its immune to Swords to Plowshares , Path to Exile , Journey to Nowhere , etc...
It is a pretty cool card, also, the art work is super rad. Yeah, its rad. Wanna fight about it?
But sadly, I don't run blue. Its not a dislike for blue, I love blue. I just can't make it work like it should.
That's what she said.
May 14, 2013 2:24 p.m.