haves and wants
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Oct. 6, 2012, 7:46 a.m. by ijuanda
using starcitygames values to make trades.
haves2x lili dark realms2x Abrupt Decay2x Lotleth Troll1x Foil Lotleth Troll2 x Gravecrawler2x Foil Gravecrawler4x Geralf's Messenger3x Cavern of Souls1x Sigarda1x Thragtusk3x Temple Garden1x Hinterland Harbor2x Champion of the Parish3x Resto Angel1x Gideon Jura1x Mikaeus Lunarch1x Master of Pearl1x Isolated Chapel1x Predator Ooze2x Birds of Paradise1x Garruk Relentless1x Garruk, Primal1x Wolfir Silverheart1x Foil Wolfir Silverheart1x Mutilate2x Bloodline Keeper1x Vamp Nocturnus1x Chandra2x Goblin Guide1x Ajani, Caller
2x Jace, Architect3x Terminus3x Mizzium Mortars1x Detention Sphere1x Supreme Verdict4x Steam Vents4x Sulfur Falls2x Glacial Fortress4x Hallowed Fountain3x Clifftop Retreat2x Entreat3x Ash Zealot2x Utvara Hellkite3x Judges Familiar2x Niv Izzet2x Tamiyo
ijuanda says... #2
for anyone who does want to trade i realise trust is an issue on these trade type sites. i havent traded on here before and have no recommendation ticks from other people, but a bit of base info. im located in canberra australia and can give my email or phone number on request to confirm trades. i prefer to only deal with aussie traders based on postal requirements but should a trade be big enough will go international
October 6, 2012 7:49 a.m.