H:F* Sulfuriv vortex, huntmaster much more. W: Shocks, fetch lands
The Trading Post forum
Posted on June 25, 2013, 5:48 p.m. by Swamy
Hey there guys, been on and off for a while now. And my binder has started growing a bit to big haha. I'm looking for some good modern goblin things and shock/fetch lands. Just opened a modern masters box and have 2 more in store let me know if theres anything not in the binder you're looking for as well.Trying to trade up so I'm looking to trade more low cost cards for higher cost singles.
smash10101 says... #3
i'm interested in the Braid of Fire . I have some modern goblins stuff (check out my MM Goblins Draft Deck for that stuff or take a look at my binder
June 25, 2013 5:54 p.m.
Would you be interested in doing Braid of Fire for Kira, Great Glass-Spinner ?
June 25, 2013 6:07 p.m.
smash10101 says... #5
sorry, traded the kira, just updated my binder though, so I think it's accurate now, though it's still missing some MM stuff. Also, if you find high value, I can trade for more of your stuff too, though braid of fire is the biggest thing on my want list
June 25, 2013 6:23 p.m.
Don't see anything as of right now. Would you still be interested in buying it instead of a trade?
June 25, 2013 6:50 p.m.
smash10101 says... #7
no, sorry. if you had a wants list I could see if I had anything as almost all of my non-rares are not listed
June 25, 2013 6:51 p.m.
Yeah that's my problem...I don't know what I want/need lol. Doesn't help in the trading process lol.
June 25, 2013 6:55 p.m.
rockleemyhero says... #10
if your taking MM requests i request goyf, clique, and bob haha
June 25, 2013 7:29 p.m.
Lol. I will do my best to not disappoint good sir! And you want them all foil right? Had to make sure I get what you want.
Swamy says... #2
Also most of the collection is able to be bought if there isn't any come to terms of a trade.
June 25, 2013 5:53 p.m.