I need these cards.
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Dec. 9, 2012, 2:08 p.m. by LayWhoZayHer
So far, the only cards that are valueble and see a lot of play in standard now is:
1x Hellrider
5x Rancor
2x Sulfur Falls
1x Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
So far, I need:
Gatecrashed says... #5
Your trade binder isn't view able to the public yet, I think. You have to be a member for 60 days, for it to be view able. You can create a deck called temporary binder or something like that, and make the mainboard what you have and the sideboard what your looking for.
LayWhoZayHer says... #2
I also need:
2x Terminus
1x card:Sphinx's Revelation
4x Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
December 9, 2012 2:10 p.m.