Infect Creatures Needed!
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Oct. 21, 2012, 1:03 a.m. by SevenSeasAgo
The lists of who owns the rare infect cards are very long so I just decided to ask here. Does anyone have Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon , Phyrexian Crusader , Inkmoth Nexus , or promo Plague Stinger s? I'm also looking for the full art card:Black Sun's Zenith. I have Deathrite Shaman , card:Rakdos's Return, and Armada Wurm as a few of my better rares.
rckclimber777 says... #4
I have a playset of hand of praetors and plague myrs. I have various others as well. let me know if you're interested in those. I'm interested in your deathrite shaman and armada wurm.
October 21, 2012 2:54 p.m.
u making an edh deck? if you are, i would caution you about it. I used to have an infect edh deck, but i got ganged up on all the time b/c of the infect.
SevenSeasAgo says... #2
Oh. I forgot to mention Hand of the Praetors and Plague Myr
October 21, 2012 1:24 a.m.