ISO: mm3 fetchs/ foil snapcasetr mm3 H: binder
The Trading Post forum
Posted on March 19, 2017, 10:27 p.m. by AlertKnave8075
Title pretty much says it.
looking for 2x scalding tarn
3x misty rainforest
2x verdat catacombs
1x marsh flats
2x arid mesa
4x foil snapcaster mage(i have normaly OG snapcasters that can go towards them.)
AlertKnave8075 says... #3
Randomdeath , get im sorry, i shoulda specified the snaps i have are only towards the foil snaps. For some reason it wont let me edit this post so.. but if you see anything you want for the misty let me know
Randomdeath says... #2
I have a MM3 misty rainforest that is like to put towards a snapcaster if possible
March 19, 2017 10:43 p.m.