LF: Terminus, Sphinx's revelation, supreme verdict, snaps
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Dec. 12, 2012, 5:16 p.m. by rckclimber777
Just as the title suggests I'm looking for:
4x Terminus
2x card:Sphinx's Revelation
as many as I can get of Snapcaster Mage
Always interested in shocks as well. Check out my binder and lets see if we can work something out.
hollandboys says... #2
I have 1 card:Sphinx's Revelation and Supreme Verdict . I also have a Hallowed Fountain for trade and some Blood Crypt s and lots of full art lands that I might part with as you said you are interested in shocks. I looked at your binder and didn't find anything I need but you said to ask because you have more elsewhere. I am looking for 3x Restoration Angel , 2x Isolated Chapel , 2x Garruk, Primal Hunter , and 1x Woodland Cemetery . Let me know and we can work something out
December 13, 2012 1:20 a.m.