lookin for a few cards to finish
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Aug. 21, 2011, 6:43 p.m. by DARK_r3ck0n1ng
hello people, im looking for 1x Lotus Cobra , 1x Solemn Simulacrum , 2x Primeval Titan , 1x Marsh Flats , and 1x Seachrome Coast
since i would love and need them bad i will offer cards under my construction binder
3x Primordial Hydra , 2x Urabrask the Hidden , 1x Gideon Jura , 2x Jace Beleren , 2x Sword of Feast and Famine , 3x mental-mistep, 1x Goblin Lackey , 1x Goblin Piledriver
bman5604 says... #2
Hey man I hit up your page. I have some things you are looking for and if that trade doesnt work for you then I could take gideon or a sword of feast and famine if you want.
August 21, 2011 10:58 p.m.