Looking for a couple of Shalai, Voice of Plenty
The Trading Post forum
Posted on May 2, 2018, 2:26 p.m. by rockleemyhero
Looking for a couple Shalai, Voice of Plenty. Heres the ol binder!
rockleemyhero says... #3
MegaMetagross looking for trades, not buys. Pretty mega-ly unhelpful comment tbh in the trade forum.
May 3, 2018 12:55 a.m.
MegaMetagross says... #4
its pretty helpful considering buying is safer than trading with internet randoms.
May 3, 2018 10:05 a.m.
MegaMetagross says... #6
wow dude check the attitude. i'm not trolling. i mean if you wanna risk mailing away some cards and not getting anything in return you go right ahead. people get cheated like that all the time. i've seen it happen.
May 3, 2018 10:18 a.m.
rockleemyhero says... #7
Sorry to come off so strongly but Id highly suggest doing some research in the forum your are in and the site you are active on. Tappedout has had a thriving online trading community for quite a few years. There are a couple of occasional bad apples that try to scam every now and then, but that can easily be avoided by having them send first. I have over 200+ successful trades here.
MegaMetagross says... #2
tcgplayer.com has'em
May 2, 2018 11:43 p.m.