Looking for Bling!!!

The Trading Post forum

Posted on Oct. 28, 2012, 12:11 p.m. by bman5604

Looking for the following cards in foil only!

2 Abrupt Decay

1 Appetite for Brains

4 Dreadbore

4 Farseek

1 Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip

1 Mizzium Mortars

4 Olivia Voldaren

2 card:Rakdos's Return

3 Rakdos Keyrune

4 Rootbound Crag

2 Slaughter Games

2 Sever the Bloodline

2 Thundermaw Hellkite

2 Thragtusk

2 Underworld Connections

If you have any of these cards feel free to hit me up I'm willing to strike a deal via trade or other means if necessary

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