looking for garruk relentless and liliana of the veil
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Oct. 6, 2011, 9:04 p.m. by timmyb
Does anyone have a garruk-relentlss and Liliana of the Veil if anyone wants to trade.
I highly doubt she'll drop that far. Maybe $35-40. She's huge in Solar Flare, which won't go anywhere but up, and good in U/B.
October 7, 2011 6:35 a.m.
rckclimber777 says... #5
She's the first 3 mana planeswalker since Jace beleren. And all the aforementioned reasons. She went up from her presale value which is rare for a planeswalker. I see her doing well throughout the innistrad block and she'll keep her pricetag for a considerable period.
October 7, 2011 7:06 p.m.
There's absolutely no way she'll stay at $65. There's just no way.
Once people figure out what this new format does and what decks are more effective, she'll fall. All Plaeswalkers are sold for much higher than they're worth before and right after releases. The only Planeswalker that ever stayed at its price and/or went up was Jace, the Mind Sculptor , and for obvious reasons. Liliana of the Veil isn't even on the same level as Jace. She'll drop.
zandl says... #2
Just wait on Liliana of the Veil . She's sitting (currently) at around $65 in value. My guess is that she'll be down to $30 in a month, and probably down to $20 by Dark Ascension.
October 7, 2011 3:14 a.m.