Looking For spare Delvers
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Sept. 20, 2012, 9:53 a.m. by theichibun
This is almost embarrassing to ask for, but I need some Delvers. 1 would be fine since I have the checklist cards, but 4 would be ideal so I don't have to use those.
I have a bunch of tokens sitting around that I'm never going to use because I make custom ones. I have 3 Innistrad Zombies (2 bald/1 with hair), 2 M13 Goblins, 1 M13 White Soldier, and 4 Innistrad White Spirits.
I also would have sworn that I had a red human somewhere.
I can look and see if I have another card that you'd want too.
I have lots of Delvers I can send you. I've never tried doing any trading on here, but I'm willing to try with some commons like this.
I have lots of tokens, though, friend. Got anything else you wanna trade for it? Even other commons.
September 20, 2012 5:56 p.m.
theichibun says... #4
Like I'd need 1 for each Delver? Because even when I've watched the Star City stuff I've seen 1 actual card and a stack of checklists on the table.
September 20, 2012 6:28 p.m.
If you only needed one regular card for each checklist. No-one would ever need more than one of each DFC.
You have to own one of the actual DFC for each checklist card in your deck.
711.9a If a checklist card is used, the double-faced card it represents must be set aside prior to the beginning of the game (see rule 103.1a) and must be available throughout the game. A checklist card cant be included in a deck unless it is representing a double-faced card.
711.9d As the checklist card enters a public zone, the checklist card should be set aside and the double-faced card used instead. If the checklist card is exiled face down, its identity should continue to be hidden using the face-down checklist card.
So, if you had two checklists, and you played one replacing it with your single delver. and then next turn it flips... then you play another checklist representing delver. How do you replace it with a card? It isnt the same as the Insectile Abberation that's on the field.
Talashar says... #2
I don't have any, But you do realize that even if you have the checklist cards, in a tournament you are required to own the actual DFC for each checklist card in your deck.
September 20, 2012 5:29 p.m.