Looking for Vexing Devils and Isolated Chapels
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Oct. 3, 2012, 5:52 p.m. by Carsf
I need two Vexing Devil s and two Isolated Chapel s.
I also need two Geist of Saint Traft s, but I'm more concerned with getting the others first.
I have one Sublime Archangel and one Cavern of Souls , among other things. Check my trade binder for a full list.
Sadly, no. The Devils are for one, and the Chapels and Geist are for another.
October 3, 2012 7:03 p.m.
hey bud i have a playset of vexing devils but only a single isolated chapel available. would be happy to trade the two vexing and single isolated for a single hallowed fountain?
October 6, 2012 8:07 a.m.
BiggRedd54 says... #5
I got what you need! I want to try and get two Hallowed Fountain s off of you. If possible post on my page that you are interested. Thanks!
October 6, 2012 11:35 a.m.
Hate to bear bad news, but I only need one Chapel and one Devil now. I'm still in the market for two Geist of Saint Traft s, if you guys have any.
NobodyPicksBulbasaur says... #2
Please tell me these are all for the same deck. :P
October 3, 2012 6:37 p.m.