Need swords and PW

The Trading Post forum

Posted on Sept. 15, 2011, 5:33 p.m. by Dismay

I can't seem to get my hands on a Gideon, Venser or SoFaF, so if you see anything you'd like in my binder for any of these, lemme know :) willing to negotiate

DSlav says... #2

September 17, 2011 3:07 a.m.

DSlav says... #3

i also have extra Royal Assassin s, 1 Honor of the Pure , 1 Jace Beleren ,1 Glacial Fortress ,1 Mimic Vat and 1 Sundial of the Infinite . I saw that you needed them in your binder too lol

September 17, 2011 3:10 a.m.

Dismay says... #4

I will trade Garruk, Primal Hunter and Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon for 2 or 3 Gideon Jura , whichever you find to be more fair haha... I now have 2 Solemn Simulacrum and would trade each for a Venser, the Sojourner

September 20, 2011 12:57 p.m.

Dismay says... #5

Or a combination of the previous for a different combination >.<

September 20, 2011 12:58 p.m.

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