Selling Legacy Lands deck

The Trading Post forum

Posted on Nov. 14, 2017, 9:19 a.m. by EmblemMan

Hey everyone my laptop died and I need a new computer so I am selling my legacy deck.

I have everything in the decklist below and everything is for sale. I also have the prices in a google sheets, also below, except for the cheap stuff as those were meant to be throwins for someone that wanted the whole deck at once. If you want the cheaper stuff let me know and I will get you prices. This post is also cross posted on facebook but I will do my due diligence to mark anything that is sold as sold. I cannot accept trades at this time unfortunately as it is more important that I sell all the items. If you need pictures of the cards I am more than happy to send you some.

Also my friend is selling a couple of volcanic islands at the great price of 240 usd firm. They are LP and all transactions will probably just go through me so feel free to message me about them.

Thank you for reading


GR Lands Decklist

Prices google sheet

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