Selling: Thoughtseize, K-Command, Windswept Heath and more
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Aug. 28, 2017, 6:57 p.m. by Haxxzor
Hello everyone! Looking to sell the following cards as a lot:
Kolaghan's Command
Windswept Heath
2x Krark-Clan Ironworks
Day's Undoing
Hangarback Walker
Looking to get $45 shipped+tracked&insured. Email me at: [email protected] for a quicker response. I know it's a long shot that someone will want all of the cards in the lot, but I figured I'd try this first. If this doesn't work I'll make a bigger post. Thank you to everyone who has helped me out so far, you guys are truly amazing and I appreciate each and every one of you :)
Pieguy396 says... #2
Hey there! If you can't find somebody to buy the whole lot, I might be interested in your Kolaghan's Command.
August 28, 2017 7:18 p.m.